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Ok so were all at Aaliyah's house for this Valentines party. Why are we having one??? I honestly don't know. But I don't give a fuck because we is about to turn up.

Roc: Ok Aaliyah do you have a new ringtone???

Aaliyah: Hell yeah.

Sapphire: Ok I'm gonna call it.

Prince: For what she's sitting right next to you???

Dominic: To hear the ringtone.

Kiera: Duhhhhh.

Emily: You sure you payed attention to your teachers????

Ka'Nia: Or were you simply dropped???

Everyone laughs.

Prod: Come on Sapphire call Aaliyah already!!!!!

Sapphire calls Aaliyah's phone.

I don't gotta a valentine yeah its kinda stressful oh you want some chocolates bitch you ain't special.

They all die of laughter.

Ray: To damn funny. *Wipes away tears.

Dominic: Where did that come from your valentine is right here.

Sapphire: Speaking of.... I didn't get no chocolate or flowers.

Roc: That's because I wanted to give you the stuff at the right time.

Kiera: I'm guessing the same thing since Ray didn't give me nothing.

Ka'Nia: Or Prod.

Aaliyah: Well I got a card????

Sapphire: That seems planned.

Aaliyah: What the fuck y'all got planned?????

Prod: Busted.

Ka'Nia: Spill the beans nigga!!!!!

Prince: Alright we were gonna surprise you.

Ray: We WERE but y'all spoiled the damn moment.

Roc: Ray shut the fuck up.

Dominic: Come on let's go get the stuff.

They walk away.

Kiera: Damn y'all put them on the spot.

Emily: Had to. Its weird knowing you didn't get no chocolates or something.

Ka'Nia: True.

They walk back in with loads of chocolate and bears, cards, flowers, balloons, ect, ect.

The girls walk away and bring back stuff you get men ( Lol I ain't gonna get into details.)

Then everyone walks up to the play room and gives there son/daughter/niece/nephew chocolate and toys. Ray gave Aaliyah a box of chocolates that said " Give me the chocolate and no one gets hurt", Roc gave Emily a chocolate that was shaped into a rose, Prince gave Sapphire a peace shaped box of chocolate, Prod gave Kiera a bag of almond joys, and Dominic gave Ka'Nia snickers. After that everyone ate assorted food. And they just turned up until...... Everyone's phone went off. It was a unknown number. It read,

" I'm watching you all. For the boys, you better watch your girl and girls I suggest you stay together. " ;-)

Dominic: What the fuck they gonna do.

Ray: If you can hear and/ or see me " I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU UGLY ASS NIGGA!!!!!"

Roc: Bitch think again if you think your gonna take my girl.

Prince: FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!


Then right on que everyone stuck up the middle finger.

Everyone: SUCK ON THAT BITCH!!!!!!!

Kiera: Ok that was weird how we all said and did the same thing at the same time.

Ka'Nia: True.

Aaliyah: Well I'm pretty sure the kids are asleep. So its time to go.

Sapphire: Are you kicking us out????

Aaliyah: Nope you can stay just know y'all need clothes and stuff.

Emily: The kids have clothes don't they?????

Dominic: Yeah.

Ray: Ight so we are just gonna get us some clothes.

Sapphire: I already have clothes here.

Roc: So do I.

Prince: Yeah so do I.

Prod: Before someone else says so do I, WE ALL HAVE CLOTHES HERE.

Everyone: Oh yeah.

Emily: Well then let's get ready for bed.

Ka'Nia: It is 4 in the morning.

Roc: Ok let's go then.

They all take showers and go to bed.

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