The next morning

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Dominic's POV

Ok so me and the boys plan on surprising the girls with breakfast. Right now were taking our kids to there grandma.

Dominic's mom (dm): Hey boy.

Dominic: Hello momma.

Dm: Where's my grand baby at????

Samiyah: I'm right here Nana.

Samiyah runs over to her Nana and gives her a hug and a kiss.

Dominic: I will be back for her later on tomorrow.

Dm: Ok.

Dominic: How much do I owe you????

Dm: Boy you don't gotta pay me nothing. I would be a fool to take money from my own son.

Dominic: Yes momma. See you later.

He hugs her and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Samiyah: Bye daddy. I love you. Tell momma I love her to.

Dominic: Yes baby girl.

Dominic gives her a hug and a kiss to.

Samiyah: Come on grandma let's go color.

Dm: Or how about we make some cookies????

She closes the door and Dominic laughs.

In Dominic's head: Grandparents always give the grand child junk food.

Ray's POV

So y'all know what we are gonna do. But first I need to drop off Raquan.

Ray's mom (rm): Hey baby!!!!!!

Ray: Hi momma.

Rm: Not you I was talking to my grandson.

Ray: Well da... dang.

Rm: Anyways.... how long is he staying???

Ray: Just until tomorrow after noon.

Raquan: Pwease don't weave me hewe. :'(

Ray: Why do you wanna go over your Nana's house.

Rm and Raquan: Yes please!!!!!!

Ray grabs Raquan and walks away.

Rm: Bye now!!!!!

They go to Kiera's mother's house.

Kiera's mom (km): Hello. HEY RAY AND RAQUAN!!!!!!

Ray: Hey momma.

Raquan: Hiii Nana.

He walks over and gives her a hug and kiss.

Km: Where's my baby girl????

Ray: She is at home because I wanna surprise her!!!!!!

Km: Oh ok well do you need me to watch him???

Ray: Yes mam.

Km: Alright Ray. Don't come back and get him until tomorrow ok???

Ray: Yes mam.

Km: Bye Ray.

Ray: Bye momma.

Roc's POV

I'm taking Essence to Sapphire's mother because I hate going to my mom's house. She always has some dude around her and is always on drugs. One time she gave Essence some crack candy. Boy was I glad I walked in at the right time. I smacked the candy away from her.

Momma: Hey!!!!!!

Roc ad Essence: Hiiiiiii!!!!!!

They give hugs and do what they do.

Roc: Have an amazing time baby girl.

Essence: I will!!!!

Momma: Come on were about to go make cupcakes!!!!!

Essence: Yay!!!!!!

Prince POV

Alright London is going to my momma's house.

London: Daddy why do I have to leave ????

Prince: Because abuleta ( sp?) wants to see you.

London: Well she could have waited until Easter.

Prince laughs.

They walk up to Prince's old house.

Prince's mom (pm): Heyyyyyy my two babies are here!!!!!!!

They give hugs and kisses.

London: When do I go home????

Pm: Tomorrow.

London: Otay. Can we make a cake????

Pm: Yes we can.

Prince: Oh yay!!!!! Make is strawberry please.

Pm: What the heck. Boy you aren't getting none.

Prince: Oh well dang. Well I gotta go.

Pm and London: Bye!!!!!!

Prod POV

Ok Aaron is going to my sister's house. She always looks forward to seeing him!!!!

Nikki (Prod's sister): Hey Aaron!!!!!!! Hey Prod.

Prod: Hello.

Aaron: Hi tete Nikki.

Prod: Alright how much I owe you??? : |

Nikki: Nothing at all.

Prod: Ok. Well I'm out. Bye Aaron.

Aaron and Nikki: Bye!!!!!

With the girls....

Aaliyah: Hey everyone where's Dominic and Samiyah????

Sapphire: You don't know??? I was gonna ask you where Roc and Essence are.

Emily: Wait a minute none of our kids are here and neither is our men.

Ka'Nia: Call the cops!!!!!!

Kiera: Has it occurred to you that maybe they all went out???

Everyone: Right.

Next thing you know the girls get knocked out.

When they wake up they notice their strapped to a chair.  They get out of the chair easily.

Bahja walks in and tries to fight them. Of course she loses and they run out. But only to be throw right back down.

Aaliyah: Ok what the fuck happened???

Sapphire: Niggas keep hitting us.

Emily: Where the hell did Kiera and Ka'Nia go????

Aaliyah and Sapphire: I don't know.

They get up and kick people asses.

They look for Kiera and Ka'Nia but can't find them. Then a man named Marques grabs all the girls and throws them in a room. The next thing you know their all passed out.

The boys walk in and notice the house is a mess and the girls are missing. They look everywhere.

Ray is the first to see a note on the table. 

To be continued.

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