Chapter 1: Intro and Accidents

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"Jaylene, c'mon get up," a male voice who i instantly knew was Jake told me shaking me awake.

"But I don't want to get up. I like sleeping and having dreams of hopeful concerts," I told him

"Skate-park." Jake said, knowing that was the one word that can wake me up on a Saturday morning. I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom turning on the shower. From the other side of the door I could hear Jake's laughter then a door closing shut.

I took off all my pajamas from the night before and hopped into the steaming hot shower. Now I should probably introduce myself, i usually take long showers.

My name's Jaylene Amelia Carter, Carter being my mother's maiden name. I'm 14 turning 15 VERY soon. I have dirty-blonde hair with the tips dyed a deep blue with, in my opinion, very dull sea blue eyes. Jake's my best friend/brother, even though he's 4 years older than me. He's in the same situation i am right now. I know that I forgot something in there, oh! I know! I've lived in an orphanage for about 12 years of my life. The orphanage isn't really all that bad considering we each have our own rooms and bathrooms, but it's not necessarily great either. Now how about we get back to the story, yeah?

I got out of the shower and wrapped a white towel around my body and stepped out into my bedroom. I went to my closet and pulled out a Greenday band-tee, black skinny's, my old worn down black Converse, and my 'Juan Direction' hoodie with the mustache on it that Jake got me last winter. After putting it all on I also grabbed my purse that holds my sorry excuse of a phone, my mother's old camera, and some of my cds along with my skateboard and went down the stairs to see a waiting Jake.

"Oh look, if it's not but our very own slut of the orphanage and the eye candy in this town," the real slut of the orphanage Angel said with a smirk and a wink towards Jake when she called him eye candy. Ew, she did not just call my brother that.

"Why don't you go and gossip with your posy over there and stop one, insulting me and two, flirting with my brother here," I told her giving her a glare and pushing her aside so that Jake and I could go to the skate park.

"Slut!" she called after us while i just gave her the finger. I'm not in the fucking mood right now. Jake and I decided to walk there to blow of some of my steam.

"I don't get it! Why does she pick on me?! Of all those people in there! And then she goes and flirts with you in front of me, she really needs to get a life." i said looking down at my Converse not paying attention to where I was walking. The last thing i heard was Jake screaming my name and the sound of a car honking, then it all went black.

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