Chapter 3: A Week with 10 Idiot Boys

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*Luke's POV*

I asked Jake to tell us more about this Jaylene because I'm truly interested in her. She seems like a really cool girl.

"Well first off let me just say that she'll kill me when she finds out I'm telling you this," Jake started, "but she'll forgive me." He said smirking

"She has dirty blonde and blue hair that's permanently died like that. Her big blue eyes always hide her true feelings unless she's truly happy, which isn't very much there. The glasses she has to where are big nerd glasses which she where's all the time unless she's skateboarding then she wears contacts. She reads a lot of books, to which she's a potter head. And she mostly wears skinny jeans, shorts, band tees, and vans or converse. As you can tell she's not a girly girl. Never had a boyfriend, never had a crush, and she's been at the orphanage the longest and went there the youngest. She gets babied and gets a lot of hate from everyone. She's a great girl, just needs to find a good family." Jake finally finished and Jaylene not only sounds beautiful but truly amazing.

"Can we go get the other 3 from 1D and meet her? She sounds great," Calum asked Jake

"Sure, it's room 11 on floor B," Jake told us

"That's right next to where the 1D lads are! Let's go! I wanna meet this multi colour haired girl!" Ashton exclaimed standing up and earning us some dirty looks. See what I have to deal with here?

We all got up and headed towards Jaylene's door. Jake stopped us and told us to wait outside, so we did. Is it weird I'm really excited to meet this girl? Maybe. Is it weird I feel like I wanna get close to this girl? Extremely.

*Jaylene's POV*

Why isn't Jake here already? He's going to be the death of me, I swear. I really want to get out of this VERY thin hospital gown. Thank god I asked Dr. Atterbury if I could change into my extra clothes. Now if onl-

"Hey Jaylene, sorry I took so long I met some people who would like to meet you. Here's some chocolate cake," Jake said and handed me some chocolate cake

"Cool but first could you go get a female nurse and ask her to come here real quick? I need help getting into my extra clothes I brought and I can't get out of this fucking bed by myself," I told him

"Sure one second," he said than left only to come back seconds later with a female nurse

"Hello sweetie, what can I help you with?" She asked politely

"Can you please help me out of this bed and um help me uh change please?" I asked her embarrassed I had to have help getting changed

"Of course sweetie, no need to be embarrassed. Now let's see how we can get you out of this bed," she said thinking aloud.

It took us 9 minutes to get me out of bed with minimal pain. Jake handed her my bag that held my extra clothes and she helped me walk to the bathroom. Because of having a huge bruise, major road rash and a sprained wrist on opposite sides of my body, lets just say it felt like hell.

Once we got inside I carefully sat down on the toilet lid while she helped me get this dreaded hospital gown off. After it was off she helped me into my blue sports bra, that matched the blue in my hair :), and my black trackies. I had some extra clothes incase me and Jake went to the boxing arena like we did most of the time after skateboarding.

I was done getting dressed thanks to the help of who I now knew who's name is Julia, Jules for short. The problem was getting back out, my bruise was fully visible along with my huge scar, road rash and sprained wrist. It hurts a lot more than before but at least I can move more and not be scared to show my underwear.

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