Chapter 2: Hospitals and New Meetings

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*Jake's POV*

I cant believe this. No this cant be happening, it's not happening. Jaylene can't be in the hospital! And what's worse is that I'm partially the reason she's in here. They won't let anyone see her since she's in recovery. I should've been paying more attention to her, Jaylene's like my little sister. I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to her, and yet this happens.


Jaylene just turned 9 while I was 13. The girls here just bullied her yet again, why can't they see that she's not like them? Yeah she's a tomboy and she rides a skateboard and she never dresses up like them? Just because she isn't girlie doesn't mean you can just hurt her. She's already hurt, she's just an all around broken girl.

She's currently curled up into a ball crying her eyes out on her bed. I really want to punch those asses, she doesn't deserve this. Tomorrow those little pieces of filth are going to finally get it, no one hurts my little sis. If onl-

"Jake?" Jaylene's small and sweet voice said breaking me from my train of thoughts.

"Yeah Little Jaybird?" I asked her calmly because of the state that she's in right now.

"Can you promise me something?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"Anything baby girl, you can ask me whatever you want," I told her.

"Promise to not let anything happen to me and always protect me? Even if its from myself," she whispered because of all the crying she's done.

"Of course Jaylene, no matter what I'll be there for you," I promised the little broken girl in front of me.

"Thank you Jake, you're the best brother in the world," she said giving me a huge hug. I wrapped my arms around her small waist and hugged her back.

~End of flashback~

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the tears run down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away before anyone saw. 'I have to stay strong, for her. My little sister' I thought to myself. Then a female doctor came up to me and told me I could see Jaylene, I put down that I was her biological brother. I slowly got up and walked slowly towards the door the doctor walked into.

*Jaylene's POV*

I woke up in a small white room on a very, and I mean VERY, uncomfortable white bed. I started panicking and then i figured out it was a hospital. Fuck. Someone walked in and thank the gods it was a woman. 

"Hello Jaylene. I'm Dr. Atterbury, do you know why you're here?" Dr. Atterbury asked politely.

"Yes, because i wasnt paying attention and I'm pretty sure that i got hit by a car. Where's Jake? Is he hurt?" I asked her

"No. Would you like your brother to come in here so I can tell both of you of your injuries?" she asked

"Yes please," I answered her smiling at the fact he put down he's my brother.

"One moment please," she said and left coming back in with a worried looking Jake. His face tuned into a smiling one once he saw me.

"Ok," Dr. Atterbury started, "You have a bruise on your thigh where you were hit and your wrist got sprained. You are actually very lucky you have strong and thick bones because if not then the injuries would have been way worse. You also have very bad road rash on your right side. i also noticed that there is a scar on your left side. Any questions?" she asked us

I raised my hand then quickly put it down embarrassed and asked, "How long do I have to stay here?"

"A week. Your bruise has to completely heal in order for you to leave the hospital and it may take about a week for your wrist and road rash to heal correctly. Anymore questions?" she asked Jake. He shook his head and when Dr. Atterbury left he practically ran to my side and started asking questions too fast.

"Wait! One question at a time you idiot." I told him laughing.

"How do you feel?" he asked me worriedly.

"Horrible, but I am really hungry. Can you please get me some food?" I asked him giving my best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," Jake sighed, getting up then turned around asking, "What do you want to eat?"

"Pudding, ice cream, or chocolate cake," I answered innocently

"Wow, you'll never change will you?" Jake asked laughing

"Nope," I said popping the 'p'

Jake shook his head walking out the door. I then took this time to carefully look at my wrist which has a brace on it and my thigh. Dr. Atterbury wasn't kidding when she said I had a massive bruise. 

*Jake's POV*

I walked down to the cafeteria and got in line. I got Jaylene chocolate cake and I got a cheeseburger for myself. Thinking Jaylene could use some sleep, I took a seat at the only open table here.

"Do you think we could sit here?" an Australian accent asked me causing me to look up. I was met with 4 very familiar looking guys.

"Sure" I replied. They sat down at the other 4 chairs and started eating. There was a blonde and blue eyed guy sitting next to me, a dirty blonde and hazel eyed guy next to him, a very tan and Asian-looking dude next to him with dark brown/black hair and deep brown eyes, and the last one who was next to him and sat on the other side of me has black and white dyed hair with piercing blue eyes.

"You guys look very familiar, have I seen you before?" I asked no one in particular.

"We're the band 5 Seconds Of Summer. Have you ever heard of us?" the dirty blonde asked

"Oh! That's where I've seen you! Jaylene has so many posters of you guys, and listens to your music a lot, as you can tell she's a huge fan. But I forgot your names sorry," I told them

"I'm Ashton, this is Luke, Calum, and Michael" Ashton said pointing to each boy and saying their name

"My name's Jake, what are you all doing here?" I asked them

"Two boys from One Direction thought jumping from their roof to their pool was a great idea. Not so much, so now Niall and Harry are here and the other three boys are with them now." Luke explained

"Oh, that sounds like fun but also like it hurts a hell of a lot." I told them

"Yeah, but they're babies. Anyway, why are you here?" Calum asked me

"Remember earlier how I mentioned a Jaylene?" they all shook their heads yes so I continued, "well, while we were on our way to the skate park then she kept rambling bout this stupid bitch and she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking. Well, apparently there was a car coming and it hit her."

"Wow, is she like your sister? Girlfriend? Because the way you talk about her sounds like she meand a lot to you." Michael asked, speaking up for the first time.

"One she is like my sister, we go to the same orphanage together and I'm her only friend there. Two ew, she would never be my girlfriend, never have I ever or will ever think of her in that way. She's 14 turning 15 soon and I protect her since I'm about 4 years older." I explained to them

"Do you think you could tell us more about her?" Luke asked. I nodded and started explaining Jaylene to them, not caring if she'll kill me later on.


What do think? I know it's only the second chapter but some input would be really nice and appreciated right now. Anyway, I love you my nutella lovers!


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