Chapter 4: A Week with 10 Idiot Boys (continued)

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*Jaylene's POV*

"We should all get to know you better Jaylene, what do you say?" Liam asked

I nodded but thought to myself, 'Oh god, this is going to be a long week.'

"Let's play twenty questions!" Ashton said, more like yelled

"Ok, what would you like to know?" I asked the 8 boys in my kind of small room

"What's your favourite colour?" Liam started

"Guys, it's obvious! Her favourite colour is green," Michael said sarcastically

"Nope more like blue, but not just any blue. Midnight Blue, it's beautiful." I told them

"Favourite animal?" Zayn asked


"Food?" Luke asked

"Does everything count?" I asked him, he shook his head yes so I said, "then everything"

"Celebrity crush?" Ashton asked smirking. I looked at him wide eyed and blushed while Jake just busted out laughing at me, what a great friend I have right? How am I supposed to tell them my celebrity crush was Luke when I just met him? Oh god, this question had to come up why?

"Luke," I whispered barely audible which only caused Jake to laugh harder. I had him as a best friend why?

"Sorry love I didn't hear you, can you say that again?" Ash asked, which made me want to slap that smirk off his face. Stupid question. Stupid feelings. Stupid mind mentally cursing things out.

"I said Luke was my celebrity crush," I said confidently but dropped my head to cover the blush creeping onto my cheeks. I looked up to see 6 smirking faces, one laughing idiot I call a best friend, and a madly blushing Luke. Aw! He looks so cute when he blushes, wait no! Stupid mind just shut up.


"And why is that?"

Because you need to know the truth and admit you like Luke.

"Do not!"

Oh, maybe not now. But only time will tell the future my dear.

"Why does my mind sound like a grandma?"

Because you have an old but wise mind my dear, all will be told soon.


"Uh oh, she's talking to her mind again. And before you ask, yes you were speaking aloud. But thank god you didn't speak your mind's thoughts again, that was a creepy time," Jake said which made me blush, for about the ten billionth time today. Why have I been blushing so much today? I used to barely blush and now I've blushed more today than in my entire existence!

"So, back to the game? I think it was Micheal's turn, right?" I asked trying to avoid and escape any awkward tension that might have been in the room.

"Can I be one of your best friends?" Michael asked with hope gleaming in his icy blue eyes.

"Of course but I thought you already were," I told him in all honesty. It was true, these boys I may have just met but I can tell they're going to be a huge impact on my life.

"What about me?" Calum asked sadly

"Aw! You're all my best friends, I know we just met and all but I can tell you're going to have a huge impact on my life," I told them speaking my thoughts. I feel like I can tell them almost anything. Just not about my past, not yet anyways. Just then I let out a huge yawn and stretched my arms in the process, which sent a fire like pain rippling through my right side.

"Holy mother of flying carrots!" I yelled which caused everyone to come running to my bed.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"What should we do?!"

"Calm down guys! I just forgot about my huge road rash and when I stretched it hurt like hell. Jake can you go get Julia or Dr. Atterbury for me. I'm extremely tired and I need painkillers if I'm going to get any sleep," I told him trying to not show how much I hurt. He nodded and quickly left the room.

"If you guys want to stay then you can, but just to warn you then I talk in my sleep," I told them laughing a little even though it hurt so much to even talk.

"How about the One Direction guys go to the other two and sleep there and me and these other three idiots will stay here." Luke suggested which made my heart leap with joy. I can't believe he still wants to spend time with me, I thought for sure I'd be a burden.

"OK, but no snogging!" Louis said running out of the room with the other two following behind him laughing. Then Jake and Julia came in, Jules with some medical stuff I'm guessing.

"OK, here are some painkillers and when you wake up you're most likely going to have a migraine so here is some medicine for that. Now you will feel really woozy and start talking truthfully and just talk no matter what. Get some rest sweetheart, you look tired," she told me and then kissed my forehead. I nodded and she left. The pain quickly subsided and I felt woozy, just a little not too much.

"I'm going to sleep before i embarrass myself anymore today. Love you bro, and goodnight my saviors." I told them before i laid down and went to sleep. I had a very strange dream: a penguin, hair dye bottle, kiwi. and drumstick (you know the one Ash uses for his drum set, not the chicken part) were chasing me into a box full of toys. Weird.

*Mikey's POV*

She wasn't kidding when she said she talke din her sleep. Apparently she was being chased into a box full of toys by a penguin, hair dye bottle, kiwi and a drumstick. I wonder what Luke said to her when they hugged, im going to ask him about it later. I can't wait until she gets out of this retched hospital. I seriously hate this place more than i hate it when the video game store closes down the one day i can go there.

I'm not really all that sure how I feel towards Jaylene, I mean i feel like an older brother to her but i don't understand how in just a short amount of time...................

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