Planet of Strength

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In far reaches of the Earth, a small planet called Chikara has only one rule, " Only those who are strong are allowed to live". By this rule, many Chikarian train themselves as a child for as they reach the age 13 and will not reach the strength standards declared by their council then he will immediately be either die or leave the planet. The residents of this planet also does not know or how to use energy which lets them rely only in pure strength alone.

Ginyu, age 5, has a strength of 50 Kadrats ( Kadrats being the power scaling in Planet Chikara). It is greatly below standards as most kids his age already has a power of 500 which is 10x more than his.

Physically, ginyu looks frail, white being the natural color skin of Chikarians, has a large head and eyes, no nose, he also does not have any muscles but he is quite knowledgeable which is rare for Chikarians which mainly has strength as the main value. Ginyu's parents are unknown to him for he was disowned as a baby for doctors have already measured the potential strenght of the child. He lives in the streets longing for acceptance.

Day and night, he trained for two years just before he has to go to a compulsory training school that forces all 7 year old Chikarians to go and learn basic knowledge as well as honing their strength until they reach 13. By that time school started Ginyu now has a strenth of 540 Kadrats which is only slightly above a 5 year old has. Ginyu not being disappointed for he knows that his wisdom being above others will surely be an advantage.

As school started, everyone Chikarian children's strength are measured through a punching machine which shows how large their current Kadrats are. There are 39 students that took part in this examination and after everyone's Kadrats have been measured, two Chikarians are above the rest as they are already over 2000 Kadrats said to be unprecendented even among Chikarian elites. A Chikarian is considered an elite warrior class if they would reach 1000 Kadrats at the age of 7 for they would expect them to reach 5000 Kadrats during the final test, even the grand elder who is said to be the hero of the Chikarians who defeated 100 of Cooler's ( Cooler is the Evil Galactic emperor of their quadrant which has about more than 256 planets under him) soldiers single handedly only with raw strength 2 years ago only has a power of 1600 Kadrats during his time when he started school. The names of these two Chikarian children that has their named immediately widespread in planet Chikara are Yaku and Milky.

Yaku is a largely built male Chikarian who has a wealthy family that provided him with high level training with elite teachers guiding him while Milky is a female Chikarian said to be the most beautiful Chikarian in their generation having a perfect build for a female class warrior. Afterwhich, the parents of these two already has plans on arranging their marriage to give birth to the strongest Chikarian, Yaku having a crush on Milky strongly agrees to this while flexing his muscles while Milky did not give any attention to this matter and only said she is looking for someone more stronger than him leaving Yaku with a sour taste in his mouth and told her that she will never find someone stronger than him in their class and that she will eventually marry him when the day comes that she will realize it. Milky just walked away.

Ginyu was placed second to the last in their class. He was slightly above one student which has a power of 490 Kadrats who was also abandoned by his parents. A bit irritated on how low he is in class, he promised himself that he would one day be the strongest elite warrior and he asked Pabo to join him. Pabo being the weakest in class agrees to train with him for he has always been bullied by everyone for having such a low Kadrat.

Class has finally started and...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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