I woke up to the sound of a guitar playing down stairs. I think to myself 'who would be up this early?' Then I heard a voice sing the lyrics to the song Break AwayFlash back
I was a bit younger and Jonah didn't know the band yet. I was watching American Idol, season 14. Daniel Seavey was my all time favorite. I made like a hundred different twitters just to vote for him. After he finished singing Break Away my heart melted of joy.
End of flashback"Zoey?... Zoey? Anyone in there?" I snap back to reality and see Jonah snapping him fingers in front of my face.
"Um... yeah I'm here. What's up?" I reply.
"We are going to be practicing down stairs like all day, just so you know"
"Why would I care?"
"Just wanted you to know if you wanted to watch."
"Okay bye!" As Jonah leaves my room I kept thinking about how when I was younger I knew one day I would meet the Daniel Seavey. Now I live with him. Damn. How did I get so lucky?
I walked out of my room and heard Daniel practicing so I decided to wake my sister Zoey up. As I walk into her room I can hear her very quietly singing the words to the same random song Daniel was playing and it looked like she was just staring into space, she was completely zoned out.After I left her room Daniel finished up his song. I start clapping. "Oh... I thought you guys were still sleeping" Daniel say.
"Nah I just woke up!" I reply
"Okay, who else is up?"
"Zoey. What song was the by the way?"
"Just something that brings me back to the American Idol days... you know?"
"Yeah I totally get it! So you and my sister?" I say changing the subject.
"Yeah um... what about your sister?" Daniel sounded kind of nervous.
"You like her don't you?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Why do you ask?" I said really nervously trying to hide the fact I might like her."Well when I walked into her room she knew that song you were playing and sang along." Jonah states.
"Did she watch American Idol a few years back?"
"Yeah her favorite show. She was obsessed with this kid that was around my age and to say the most, he was half way decent to say so myself" how does he not know I was on that show?
"Oh ew... that kid? He was such a fetus!" I say to try to hide that is was me.
"And what did you mean by 'American Idol days'" Jonah says with air quotes quoting what I said earlier.
"Eh I used to look up to that kid, but now he is so irrelevant I can't remember his name!"
"Ha, well I'm going to get the guys up to start practicing!" Jonah says running back up the stairs.
Does Zoey know me from then? Does she remember who I was? Did she think I was good? Did she think I was cute?
I finally decided to get up and while walking down the stairs Jonah was running up them. Daniel was sitting with his guitar across his lap looking deep in thought. "You know you can play guitar, not just stare at it" I tell him."Oh hey... I was just um... thinking about...some um... cords! Yep cords is what I was thinking about!" Daniel replied trying to get words out.
"Dude, you have been playing guitar for like years now, you don't really need to think, just do!" I tell him confidently.
"Thanks, but how did you know I have been playing a while?" He asks me. I didn't want to tell him I used to fangirl.
"You told me... duhh!"
"Oh yeah... I forgot about that!"
As I tried to wake up the rest of the guys, none of them wanted to get up. "Guys get up! We need to practice today!" I yell, then jack throws a pillow at me."No! I'm tired!" Jack says. Ducking under the covers.
"I give up!" I say and walk to the stairs. I hear Daniel at a loss for words talking to my baby sister. He kept a stuttering.
"Oh hey... I was just um... thinking about...some um... cords! Yep cords is what I was thinking about!" I hear him say. I just start laughing became he is a musical genius, so to him music is just common knowledge. My sister starts walking to the kitchen, so I walk down the stairs to Daniel.
"You aren't such a smooth talker are you?" I say as I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Um... what do you mean?" He says trying not to stutter.
"Dude you are stuttering"
"I'm going to get some water" he says as he gets up to go to the kitchen.
"Yeah babe!... okay love you too honey! Bye!" I hear Zoey say as she hangs up her phone. "Hey what's up?" She tells me enthusiastically. All I could do was stand there in shock that none of us knew about this. Is she in a relationship? Is it serious? Does she have a boyfriend? Does she think I'm cute?"Oh I'm good! Who were you talking too on the phone?" I ask.
"Oh that? That was nobody ." She says
"Oh okay! So the guys ha-""The guys have practice today. I know Jonah told me." She said cutting me off.
"Oh okay, I have to go wake up the guys"
"Kk, see you later!" I left the room feeling defeated. She was taken. By who? For how long? Does she think I'm cute?
"Guys get up! Practice today!" I yell through the hall way.
"No!" Jack yells and throws a pillow at my face.
"Dude, let's go!" I yell throwing the pillow back at him."They aren't going to get up" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around quickly to see Zoey.
"I know right" I tell her.
"Boys! Breakfast is ready!" She yells and all the boys run down to the kitchen.
"How?" I ask her. She just smiles and turns away. I follow her down the stairs.
"Breakfast is ready for you to make!" She says. "Oh sorry! Did I leave that last part out? Oh well!"
She is so cute. Wait, she has a boyfriend. Does she? Is it serious? Does she think I'm cute?
I hope you keep reading!
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Jonahs not so Little Sister//Why Don't We fanfic
Fanfiction*FIRST BOOK IN THE SERIES* Zoey Marais is a youtuber and instagram model. And yes, she is Jonah Marais's little sister. They move out to LA for a band Jonah is a part of. What happens when she falls for one of the guys in the house? Started: July 13...