Zoey Marais is a youtuber and instagram model. And yes, she is Jonah Marais's little sister.
They move out to LA for a band Jonah is a part of. What happens when she falls for one of the guys in the house?
Started: July 13...
ZOEYS POV Holy crap. The Daniel Seavey asked me out yesterday. Oh my god. Me? Why would he choose me? Wait... is Jonah okay with this?
I walk out of my room and go to Daniels. "Hey Daniel, can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Yeah, sure. What's up, Zoe?"
"Um... did you tell Jonah about, you know... um... yesterday?"
"Uh... which part? My question or what Zach walked into?"
"Kinda? I told him I was going to ask you out. The rest of the guys don't know, except Zach I guess."
"If he tells anyone, be prepared to murder him."
"Murder who?" We hear someone say walking up the stairs. We turn around and see Zach.
"Zach, how do you always walk into something?" I say as we all start laughing.
"Well, get a room next time! And don't let that room be the kitchen!" Zach tells us.
"Fine man! Just don't tell anyone!" Daniel says. Zach shrugs and walks away.
"Maybe we should consider talking, or doing stuff in a room with a lock." Daniel says. I smack his arm. "What was that for!"
"We aren't going to do any stuff!"
"Well at least not yet. Right, Zoe?"
"Shut up. Let's go downstairs before the guys get any ideas!"
As we walk down the stairs we hear the guys talking. "Dude, 100% they're smashing up there right now!"
"I wouldn't blame him! She is pretty hot!"
"Please don't talk about my sister like that when I'm in the room!"
"Fine, but Daniel is totally smashing!" As Daniel and I were listening to the guys conversation, we tried to hold back our laughter.
"Do you guys hear that?" The guys ran towards us on the stairs.
"Don't worry Jonah, we weren't smashing!" I say.
"Good, I don't need baby Daniels and Zoey's running around anytime soon!" Jonah says.
"Let's go swimming!" Jack yells from behind.
"Let's do it!" Zach yells as well. We all go to our rooms to change into our swim suits. I put on a nude bikini and grabbed all the guys towels because they always forget.
As I pass the kitchen I see Daniel sitting on the counter. "Hey bub! Why aren't you outside?"
"I was waiting for you!" He says.
"Aw how sweet! Now let's go before they think we are smashing again!" I grab his hand and run outside holding the towels in my other hand.
All the guys besides Jonah looks up and stares. "You guys are actin like you've never seen a girl a in a bikini before!" I tell them.
"That's my baby sister your looking at!" Jonah yells and tackles all the guys. I started walking again and realized me and Daniels hands were still together. I looked at them and blushed.
"Your adorable when you blush." Daniel whispered and nibbled my earlobe.
"Not here Daniel, the rest of the guys, and my brother, will see!" I whisper back. We walk away from each other.
Zach walks over to me. "Don't pretend I didn't see what just happened between you two!" He says.
"Really? Again Zach! How do you always know!"
"In not the blind baby you think I am!"
"I guess so! Now go play with the boys!"
"Okay mom!"
"Nope! Not your mom!" All the guys were in the pool and I was recording them for their bands Instagram accounts story.
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@ZoeyAnn any where I go I'm takin' you💙 Liked by @Seaveydaniel, @jonahmarais, and 27,347 others User1: omg! Perfection Jonahmarais: my baby sis is growing up! User27: sibling goals^ User97: damn see that body! Seaveydaniel: do I get photo credit! Whydontwemusic: those are our lyrics😡😂❣️ Loganpaul: these boys are 18 and already smashing before me!? User16: Logan Paul! User49: omg Logan Paul is here! Imzachherron: omg! Logan Paul! Loganpaul: omg Logan Paul? Where! User284: dang, Logan! Dang User49593: what a babe!
A/N Hey guys! As of today I am back to my normal post schedule, which is once a day if you didn't know, because I have the time again!
I was gone for about four days and this hot 1K reads!
I hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment! Ilyg! -Manda