Come hang! Chpt. 15

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Zoe still isn't back from her 'date' yet, at least I think it's a date...

It's around 4pm now and she left at noon! Why am I so worried!

Text convo
WDW house chat🏡
Jonah🕺🏻- Zoe, where did u go?
#underageproblems👶🏻- also where did jack go
Zoe😘- I'm out with someone rn
Jack🍜- I'm at the grove!
Daniel👀🔵- Zoe come home I wanna hang w u😫
Zoe😘- don't worry Danny I will be home in ten min!
Daniel👀🔵- yayyy
End of text convo

Well, I hope I don't come off as clingy! Wait! Is she out with jack? She can't be! Ugh! He knows I like her!

I sat on the couch waiting for Zoey to come home. I hear someone walk in. "Hey Daniel!" I turn around and see Zoe

"Yayy your home!" I say, "let's do a movie night!"

"Yay! We haven't done one of those in forever!" She tells me.

"Okay, 8pm, my room! We will binge Netflix." I declared.

"Can we go to my room so we don't wake jack up during the movie?"

"Good idea!"

"Great, at eight!"

Guys I'm sorry! I really need to step it up with the length of my chapters! I'm posting the next chapter the same time this goes up!

I hope you keep reading!
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