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Rafael McCall oversees the transfer of William Barrow, the shrapnel bomber, to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. Melissa is just decorating for Halloween when she sees both her ex-husband and Sheriff Stilinski come into the ER. She can see the confrontation happening before it happens. The Sheriff tells Agent McCall that Barrow is not coming in, but McCall replies that this is the only hospital that he can go to. The county hospital punted him to Beacon Hills.

Barrow is wheeled in, and Melissa looks upset because she's going to have ot do the pre-op interview.

That same night, Stiles sneaks into the school to set up a Mischief Night prank for Coach Finstock.

Stiles calls Scott and tells him that they have a job to do, so he needs to get down to the school. Scott claims to already be in bed and asks if they aren't getting a little old for pulling pranks. Stiles retorts that they do this for Coach. "I thought we did this to Coach," Scott replies. Stiles insists that Finstock loves this stuff. Mischief Night is also Coach's birthday. Stiles gets a screwdriver out of his locker as he talks to Scott. He threatens him and starts to count down, but Scott surprises him by already being in the locker room.

Agent McCall advises Melissa to be careful. Barrow is a former electrical engineer who decided to go onto a school bus with a shrapnel bomb. He killed four students and left another with no legs. Melissa asks if the psychiatrists have made any progress, and McCall tells her that all Barrow says is that he's going to do it again and get it right.

Melissa begins the pre-op interview. She asks if he understands that scar tissue has formed around a piece of shrapnel still lodged in his body and that it is now blocking vital functions. She says they have to put him under general anesthesia tomorrow morning to perform the surgery to remove it. Barrow asks her if kids still pull pranks the day before Halloween. He tells her that where he's from, this night was called Hell Night. She asks if he has any allergies to any medications. He does not. She asks if he's taking anything other than temazepam and divalproex. He replies that he just takes what they give him. Mellisa tells the guards that she's going to need to listen to Barrow's heart. She opens his shirt, revealing a heavily scarred chest, and listens to his heart and breathing.

Barrow leans up and tells her to ask what she really wants to know. She asks him why he did it, and he tells her that the kids had glowing eyes. Barrow jerks and starts to rant at her that their eyes were glowing, and Melissa makes her escape.

Monday morning, Scott arrives at school and sees Ethan and Aiden waiting for him. Aiden's the one in the blue shirt. The twins say they're not back at school, they just want to talk. Stiles comes up and says that must be a change of pace for them, since usually they're just hurting, maiming, and killing. Ethan says that Scott needs a pack and they need an alpha. Stiles isn't having any of that. Ethan argues that they helped when Scott couldn't roar. Stiles points out that all they did was beat the crap out of Scott, which really doesn't qualify as helping. Scott asks why he would say yes to them. "We'd make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no." Stiles almost rolls his eyes out of his head. Isaac joins the conversation and points out, "I could think of one. Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd." Isaac is totally up for fighting the twins right now, but Scott stops him. Scott refuses to let them into the pack because none of them trust them.

Teen Wolf Season 3BWhere stories live. Discover now