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It's Mischief Night, and kids in the neighborhood go around smashed Jack O'Lanterns. They look up and see five shadowy figures marching up the street. It's the same creatures in masks that attacked Isaac. For lack of a better term, these Oni appear out of darkness and wear black masks.

Allison and Chris finally get through the door and find Isaac on the floor, freezing and shaking. Chris tells Isaac that he needs to shift to trigger his healing. He slaps him a few times in the face, then punches him. Isaac's eyes flash yellow, and he growls. He comes back to himself, crying, and scrambles away from them. He asks if they saw the five figures. Isaac says he could see the eyes of one of them, they were greenish yellow, like a firefly. Chris gets up and checks the window. The security system wasn't triggered. Allison asks how they got in, but Isaac says they came out of the shadows.

Chris reacts to this information knowingly. Allison thinks he knows something, but he won't say what. He asks them to keep the attack quiet for 24 hours. Isaac clearly wants to tell Scott, and Allison isn't happy about keep this secret. She says they could have killed Isaac. "But they didn't. And I think there was a reason why. I think they might have been after me," Chris says.

He goes into his study and gets a box. Inside are the broken pieces of one of the Oni's masks.

Down at the sheriff's station, Rafael McCall tries to get the story out of Stiles, Scott, Kira, and Lydia. He asks Stiles when they got to the power substation. Stiles replies that he got there at the same time as Scott. The boys try to confuse Agent McCall by questioning who he's directing his questions to. "I think he's asking both you," Lydia offers. Agent McCall tells them that he'll answer the questions, then corrects himself.

Agent McCall reads back the series of events: Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to the power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the whole town. Stiles agrees that that sounds right. Agent McCall asks how they knew he'd take her to a power station. "Well, cause he was an electrical engineer. Where else would he take her?" "That's one hell of a deduction there Stiles." "Well, what can I say, I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement." Stiles winks and points at his father, who can't help but smirk.

Agent McCall then asks Scott and Kira what they were doing. They alternately answer "eating sushi" and "eating pizza" until they both answer together "Eating sushi and pizza." Agent McCall asks Sheriff Stilinski if he believes any of this, and the Sheriff replies that he hasn't believed anything Stiles has said since he started talking. This is not the first time the Sheriff has said something like about his son. He adds that he thinks the kids found themselves at the right place at the right time and Kira is very lucky for it. McCall asks Kira if that's how she remembers it. Everyone looks at her expectantly, and she says yes.

Kira then asks for her phone back. Unfortunately, because Barrow used it, it's evidence. He has an officer take her away and sign some paperwork. Agent McCall stops Scott as they leave the office and reminds him that if half the story about Barrow is true then not only did someone help set him loose, but he was just a pawn in a larger game. "A mass murderer is bad enough. A mass murderer being controlled by someone? Far worse." He sends Scott home because it's a school night.

At home, Kira lights some candles in front of her mirror. She takes a photo of herself with the flash on. The resulting image shows an orange, glowing aura swirling around her. She looks distraught but not surprised.

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