~Chapter One : Dear Diary~

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{A/N: This chapter is optional. It will not leave anything important out of the actual story. It will, however, help you understand the character(s) better. And with that, I bid you adue.}                                                                                               

Diary Entry - 1                                                                                                                                               Date : January 19, 1767.
Dear Diary,   
    Father gave me this Diary for my birthday. I turned 8 today. When Mother was alive, she would always make my favorite sweet treat on my birthday : Creamed Ice! Mother would take cream, sugar, vanilla and milk and churn it in the device Father made. She would mix the ingredients together by holding the crank at the top and turning it in a circle. When she opened it, she would always take a small spoon, scoop some and give me the spoon to lick. She would say 'Runny or Yummy?' and I would say 'Yummy!'
    I miss Mother. She owned a bake shop and she would sell all sorts of treats at the market. She made bread, tarts, muffins, and pies! She would take a slice of pie and put a scoop of ice cream on top for me sometimes. She died a couple of years ago. The doctors said that she died of 'blood loss', but I know what happened.
    A man came to the bakery one day and asked if they had any meat. Mother said no and told him to go to the butcher. But the man insisted that there must be meat in the bakery. He said he could smell it. The Man and Mother went into the storage room to investigate the smell. I was playing with my dolly, so I didn't notice the scream then. I was only 5. The man came out, but Mother didn't come. "Mother?" I called. There was no response. I walked behind the counter and into the storage room. Mother was on the ground, asleep.
And she never woke up.

    I hear Father calling me. He's been working on a new invention recently. But I don't know what it is. He says it will make plants and crops grow faster. I'd better go now. Bye, Diary!

Diary Entry - 37                                                                                                                                   Date : October 31, 1772
                                                                                                   Dear Diary,
    It's Halloween! I may be 14, but I still like to get the sweet treats! My favorite are saltwater toffy and butterscotch. I'm dressing up as a vampire this year and my friend Marcy May is dressing up as the headless huntsman. We're gonna get so much candy! I gotta go if I'm gonna make it before Mr. Skarchowski give away all of his apple cinnamon cookies. Bye, Diary!

Diary Entry - 59                                                                                                                                        Date : March 7, 1776
                                                                                                  Dear Diary,
    Whenever I asked Father if I could help him with his work, he always said "You may help me when you turn 18." Well I turned 18 on January, so now I can really help him with his work! He told me that the machine he's creating is called the Crop and Plant Device, or the CPD. He says that with my help it will be done by next year!
    I need to go work on the CPD now. Bye, Diary!

Diary Entry - 60                                                                                                                               Date : February 16, 1778
                                                                                                  Dear Diary,
    I haven't been able to write in about 2 years. I'm 20 years old now! I've been so busy helping Father with the CPD that I haven't had any time to write in my Diary. But I decided that now would be the right time. Because Father and I have completed the CPD! We were caught up on one part of the machine that we could not seem to get around.
    But there is one other reason why I have not been able to write in my Diary. The Scientific, Mechanical, Accessorized, Reconciliated and Therapeutic Corporation, or the S.M.A.R.T. Corp., has heard of Father's machine and they've summoned him to present the CPD to them. And I get to come with Father! I've had to pack my belongings. We will be gone for about 1 month, but it will take 2 days to get to and from the S.M.A.R.T. Corp. lab. So I have been packing for a month and 4 days.
    I have to go. Father is calling for me to pack my belongings in the cart. Bye, Diary!

                                                                                   End of -Dear Diary-

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