Keep that slut away from my child!

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the words that jacks so called girlfriend Madison said about me and Alex really got to me. like im not bothered about calling me a crying loser but no one ever calls my daughter. I handed Johnson Alex and went over to the slut. " okay look I get that gilinsky over here hasn't fully told you everything about me because he has just fund out a lot of it today so im going to give you a few details. that baby over there is my daughter she is amaing and funny and really smart for her age. shes probably even smater than you. she grew up knowing her dad but her dad not knowing her and Im so proud of her for that oh and guess what her father is the person you call babe" I don't care what I just said I just new that I wouldn't let anyone try and hurt my baby in any way. 

"Jamie what's her full name?" I Hurd jack yell, I turned around. "And why would you care you don't know her?" Ince them words came out my mouth I saw hurt in his face but it then turned into something different that I'm not use to. "I asked a simple question Jamie what's MY daughters full name and oh by the way the only reason I don't know her is because you kept her secret from me all these years." He was crying this point. I walked up to I'm. "Her name is Alex rose gilinsky" 

He looked up to me as if he got the best news of his life. "she has my last name, but I still don't understand why you would keep her away from me all these years" he said still looking hurt. "Well when you left I found out and I knew I couldn't tell you because that would of ment that you wouldn't go and live your life I didn't want you tide down with a child that we didn't even plan on having but trust me she's worth all the funny looks and comments I get about us. She smart talented she has your voice I hear her since all the time even through she's three, she can't really say the words but I makes it a hundred times cuter." I smile looking at Alex in jjs arms. "But, sad,y she won't have the perfect family she has been asking for since you with that slut" I scoff and roll my eyes. "Excuse me but how am I the slut when your what 17 and have a 3 year old, and how do you even know she's yours jack, the thing doesn't even look like you, you have brown eyes duh. If I were you I'd tell that skank to put the rat up for adoption" that was it I lost it. It's one thing to make fun of me but saying that stuff about Alex got me I waked straight up to her and punched her in the face once she fell to the floor I started to kick her stomach. 

"JAMIE THATE ENOUGH YOUR GONNA KILL HER" jack yelled pulling me off. "Wtaf jack I want her dead after what she said about my baby, your baby. His head fell I took Alex off jj and took one last look at jack and said "if you want to be in Alex's life fine but keep that slut away from my child." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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