Chapter 1

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(A/N: Salaams beautiful people! :) This chapter is dedicated to my bestie and my beautiful friend @blackygrl for all thier loving support and for believing in me💕 Jazakumullah khair soo much! 😘I hope you all enjoy this chapter, In sha Allah 💖)

Hayaa's POV

"Hayaa!!!!" I heard my aunt calling me angrily. As the time passed, the voice came closer and closer. I still haven't replied, I know if I didn't, I'll get into trouble but what can I do? My hands got burnt while I was cooking and I was in pain. I quickly put my hands under the water tap and let the cool water touch my hands. For a millisecond, it felt like the pain was numb until it came again. I looked at my hands and to my dismay they were red and swollen. "Hayaaa!! Why aren't you replying? I swear if you don't reply, you are going to regret it!!" My aunt shouted.

Ya Allah!! No.No! She was here. I better hide my hands from her. But Alas! It was too late! Before I could turn the water tap off she saw my hands and knew what I was doing. I immediately put my hands behind me, trying to hide the burn. "Give me your hands!! Show it to me?" She demanded. I hesitated, because I knew it wasn't for good. Before I could realize what she was doing, she grabbed my hands and put my hands into the boiling water on the stove. The pain was bewildering. I couldn't understand, couldn't make sense of what was happening.

My body tried to reject the pain, and my hands were pulled out of it and put into the blistering water again and again into a blackness that cut out seconds of agony, making it harder to keep up with reality. After what it felt like ages, my hands were pulled out and that was when the pain struck me hard. Like really hard. Blackness rushed over my eyes more solidly than before. I kept pushing against the black and the pain, resisting, not allowing them to crush me completely. I felt myself fall onto the floor with a loud "Thud".

"What do you think you are hunh? The queen of the house? I asked you to cook and you couldn't do it properly. Now me and my kids have to stay hungry because of you!!Shame on you!! Isn't there anything that you could do without causing any trouble!! Ya Allah!! Why did you send this useless, wicked, evil creature to me??She has made my life a living hell!" I could hear her cursing at me as she kicked me with her feet. And I didn't know what happened after that because the blackness over took me.

When I woke, I was still lying there. My hands swollen and covered with blisters. I tried to help myself get up, but because of the pain I couldn't. And that was when i heard my aunt's voice again. She was asking Amal, her younger daughter if i was awake or not. I could hear her stomping down the hallway towards the kitchen. I've got to get up finish the chores and cooking, otherwise no food. I haven't had anything since yesterday so I have to make sure I get something to eat - Leftovers from one of her kids meals. Yup. You've heard it right. After what happened today, i doubt i'd get to eat but let's hope for the best. Aunt might even change her mind. So I gathered all my courage and regained my posture, finished cooking and the rest of the chores despite the constant nerve wrecking pain in my hands and the place where she hit me with her foot.

Luckily, aunt let me eat and for some weird reason she was all quiet at dinner. And whatever the reason was, i didn't bother to think about it because I was starving. I quickly ate the leftovers, did the dishes. I knew it rarely happened. I rarely received leftover food, no matter how hard I worked. She would always refuse to feed me. Today, the torture was a little less than it used to be. She used to beat me with an iron rod every night and to make my suffering less tolerable, she used to heat the end of the rod and and hit my body with it. She loved to see me suffer. It has always been like that. I never knew why she treats me like that even though I am her niece. Although, somewhere in my heart I know there was an end to this torture. An end to this caged life. I know Allah has so much in store for me, but I can't take it anymore. I can't fight this anymore. I just can't...

(A/N:Salaams!!! okay so what do you think of this chapter? Sorry if this chapter is too short. Was planning to write a loong chap but I just couldn't wait to post 😅 Honestly guys, you guys are the best people ever!! I said 5 views, but Alhamdhulilah 14!! 😱😱 well, i wasn't expecting that!! And that's more than a lot!!I AM AWESTRUCK!! 😘😍😍❤💙💚💛💜 Thank you sooooo much!! I love you all <💕💖💝)

Do tell me what you think about this chap oki?? Feel free to drop a comment. Don't be shy :P I'll reply as soon as possible 😄❤ And yes! Soo I'll update the next chapter when i get, hmm.. let's say 20 views! In sha Allah.😉

Loads and loads of love,

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