Chapter 4

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Prophet Muhammad(May peace upon him) said.

"There are seven whom Allah will shade on the Day of Judgement..."

"...A man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears."

Saheeh al-Bukhari (English trans.) vol.1, p.356, no.629 & Saheeh Muslim (English trans.) vol.2, p.493, no.2248)

 ( A/N:Assalam Álaykum my beautiful readers! May Allah bless you for your patience. Aameen. I'm soooo soo sorry I haven't updated for such a long time! I have been having so much going on in my life. Please do keep me in your precious duás In Sha Allah. I pray you are all in good health and in the best of Imaan. Aameen.

I know, I won't get the acceptance of the apology that easily. Soo, Alhamdhulilah. I came with a really long chapter for you all. 2073 words! The longest chapter so far! Hope you all will accept my apology.

Also, I have some good news for all my amazing readers! In Sha Allah from today on wards I will be updating as soon as soon as I reach 40 reads! Yes! I'm not here to go disappear again! In Sha Allah.

Grab your popcorn pizza, blankets and coca cola and let your reading begin!


Falah's POV

The Fajr alarm goes on and with the first ring of the bell, I woke up and recited the duá after waking up. Alhamdhuliah for another new day another fresh start. I had approximately 45 minutes left until the Fajr Azan so I took my time and got ready and walked to the nearby mosque. I have been having this indescribable gut feeling in my heart that something is going to happen. It feels like it's going to be one of the biggest turning points of my life. I don't know. This feeling, it's weird, but whatever it is I pray it is for the best. In Sha Allah.

After Fajr prayer,  I went to the children's orphanage that own here up in the mountains overlooking a river nearby. Before I was going to take over the place, the previous owner passed away leaving the kids lonely in this once abandoned mansion. The kids were almost on the verge of becoming homeless again. All praises be to Allah that I came across this place and bought the whole real estate and made it under my name. Now the kids are all in good hands, have a safe place to stay, good food to eat and most importantly given a good education.

I was out in these mountains for my morning jog when I came across this place. I actually thought it was a ruin of an antiquated mansion at the first glimpse. The chalky paint was falling from its fragments leaving the cement from which it was built out for the world to see. Ivy was gnarling its way through the broken windows. Tangling its leathery shape throughout this wistful abode. There was water dripping from the roof, rhythmically, generating a melancholic melody. The door hinges were all rusted and the glass windows were all shattered. You would almost never imagine to find living, breathing soul in there!

It was later when I reached the backyard as I was exploring the place, I saw children playing there, where flowers bloomed under the rays of the sunlight. I was flabbergasted at first to see children there. Not going to lie, but I thought I was seeing things so I started reciting Ayatul Kursi OUT LOUD as I went near them. The children started laughing their heads off as they saw me at that state. Wallahi! It was soo embarrassing! But what can I do? I am human after all.

Later, I became friends with them and I asked them about the place and was surprised that it was an orphanage. Hidden from the outside world.


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