It's a Date 10/20

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    "Haru-chan, can I punch him," Kim moaned as she plopped herself down on the cream colored couch, and proceeded to bury her face into the other girl's shoulder. "Preferably in his smug lil' face."

    It was finally the end of the day, and all the Host Club's guests had taken their leave. Three long hours of serving guests with a smile and niceties was nearly enough to drive the Latina crazy, and then there was Kyoya. She didn't want to think about him. All she wanted was to get home and take a nice long bath and listen to some music and sing along to her heart's content. Then she would sit at her desk and start on her homework and catch up on all the things she was behind on.

    "No, you cant do that," Haruhi denied Kim's request.

    "You suck," the girl cried like a petulant child, crossing her arms with a huff and a pout as she slouched into her seat.

    "Oh, Kimi-chan," called Hani, suddenly popping up between the two girls. "I forgot to ask. When is your birthday?"

    "May 9," Kim told the short blond. "I'm two months younger than Haruhi, I think."

    "Senpai, I'm only sixteen," Haruhi said unsure of herself.

    "Me too," Kim sang with a smile.

    "WHAT," was the collective response of the Host Club. Even Haruhi and the unshakable Kyoya Ootori were shocked by their most recent discovery.

    "Your file said you only skipped one grade-"

    "It's wrong. There was a mistake in the system when I enrolled for fifth grade, and I was assigned to a sixth grade class by mistake. By the time they realized the mistake, it was already the end of the first semester and I was one of the top ten students. So they just corrected everything and left me where I was." She took in the incredulous looks the boys and Haruhi were giving her and narrowed her eyes. "What?"

    "My little girl's a genius," Tamaki cheered, tackling the now youngest member of the Host Club in a bear hug. He also began to get a little misty-eyed when Kim returned his hug with equal enthusiasm.

    "That would explain the missing year," Kyoya commented. He took out his tablet and made a little note of it. This girl was another anomaly much like Tamaki.

    "Yup. Oh yeah! I meant to ask earlier, but where are the twins?"

    "Away," Takashi answered mysteriously.

    "You know you made it sound as if you murdered them, right," Kim commented after a beat, making Haruhi laugh and Kyoya sigh in annoyance. Tamaki on the other hand began to panic right along with Hani who began to sob at the loss of the twins. Before long, the two blonds of the group had banded together to take down the silent boy.

    "What Mori-sempai meant to say is, the twins are out of the country for the week," Kyoya intoned, jumping in to properly explain the situation. "Their mother decided to take them along with her at the last minute." He looked around the clubroom, seemingly satisfied with some thing. "Club activities are adjourned, dismissed."

    With that said, the club members collected their belongings and made their way out of the room, more than likely heading home. Kim had barely managed to get off the couch, when Kyoya took hold of her wrist.

    "What are you doing," she whined, attempting to remove her wrist from the older boy's grasp. "You said we could go home now."

    "Not you," he informed. "You will be getting everything cleaned and squared away. After all, you are the maid."

    "I hate you."


    One hour after club activities ended, at 5:30, Kim was was putting the last of the tea sets away in one of the cabinets. Leaning back against the countertop, she let out a sigh. She had managed to find an apartment much sooner than expected, and she made the decision to start school the day after next on Friday, after confirming it with the school officials. Through all the craziness that ensured, she had forgotten to make a trip to the grocery store. A fact that she was made all to aware of when she planned to cook dinner the night before and ended up having to order take-out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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