Wrong Moves

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"this isn't gonna end well"

Characters: Stiles x reader (a little bit of Scott too) and boy whose name I never got around to so we're just gonna call him mean guy 🤷🏽‍♀️

Word count: 1070

"Okay but in my defense, he was an asshole and most certainly not a gentleman." Stiles Stilinski said to his best friend Scott McCall, who was standing right beside him. Stiles was putting his chemistry textbook in his locker when he had spotted his beautiful girlfriend Y/N walking into the school. Her hair was flowing down the front of her face, the sun perfectly hitting her eyes making the color stand out more brighter.

Y/N had seen her boyfriend staring at her after she was done talking her best friend, Allison Argent, and continued to make her way over to him.

"Hey cutie" she says as she pecks him on his cheek, her arm now locked in his. A shade of pink started to form on his cheeks as he stared at the love his life. Although they've only been together for 3 years, Stiles knew the moment she walked into Mr. Harris' class sophomore year, she was the one for him.

What first started as a playful friendship ended up sparking something in both Stiles and Y/N. Y/N always thought Stiles was gonna be hung up on Lydia for the rest of his life, until the night of homecoming their sophomore when Lydia had ditched him for the lacrosse team captain at the time, Jackson Whittemore, Stiles had seen Y/N standing outside by herself, waiting for her ride to come and pick her up.

She wasn't having the best night either, seeing Stiles with Lydia made her extremely jealous and her wanting to just go home and forget her feelings for him. That is until Stiles offered to take her home.

She was a bit hesitant at first but knew that before she had a crush on Stiles, he was still her best friend. She agreed and that night, Stiles had told Y/N how he felt about her and vice versa. From that day on, they've been inseparable ever since.

Scott, Stiles, and Y/N were now all walking to class as she noticed they stopped talking when she came up to them.

"What were you guys talking about?"

"Oh Stiles was just telling me about how he had gotten into a fight with a guy this weekend when you guys were on a movie date."

"Yeah and how I kicked that guys ass too." Stiles said with a smug on his face.

Y/N chuckled and looked at her goofy boyfriend.

"Why did you even get in a fight anyway?" Scott questioned, looking at Stiles then at Y/N.

"Uhh well he wa-" Y/N started but was interrupted by Stiles voice.

"He was flirting with Y/N and said she was better off with him than me."

Rolling his eyes, Stiles continued.

"I mean, can you believe that guy? He thinks just cause he has good physique and great blonde hair, he can just go up to any girl and boom, she's automatically gonna fall in love with him?" Stiles voice changed from loud and confident to quiet and distant.

"And this, among many of the other reasons, are why I love you." Y/N chuckled as she loved the way her boyfriend rambled about the things he couldn't stand, or rambled about random things in general.

She put her head on Stiles shoulder, reassuring him that no one could be better for her than the Stiles Stilinski himself. Scott looked at Y/N and laughed to himself.

They all walked into history class, making sure to get a seat right next to each other when Stiles noticed someone was in his usual spot. He looked at Scott, Scott shrugging his shoulders not knowing who was in his seat either.

Stiles started walking towards the guy and tapped him
on the shoulder. He was very muscular, wearing a tight dark blue shirt with some shorts and sporting nike shoes and socks.

"Hey man, you're sitting in my spot." Stiles politely said, waiting for a response from the mystery boy.

As the guy turned around, Stiles eyes opened up, mouth hanging open, now realizing who the guy was.

The boy gave Stiles a confused look then it changed instantly, now realizing who Stiles was.

"Hey, you're the guy from the movie theater the other day. The one who decided to punch me in my face."

Stiles stepped back a few times, running into some desks along the way.

Y/N and Scott were watching them as Y/N finally seen who the boy was.

"Oh crap. This isn't gonna end well."

"Well he-hey uh I-I-I didn't know you-uh- you went here. Small world isn't it? Ha- well ya see about that nig-" Stiles stuttered over his words and eventually the boy became annoyed of him and punched him right in his left cheek, the brown eyed boy instantly falling on the floor, putting his right hand over his cheek.

Y/N and Scott rushed to his side while Mr. Yukimura escorted the boy out of the class, everyone now looking at the boy in the flannel on the floor.

"Oh my god babe are you okay?"

"Yeah, it didn't hurt that bad." Stiles put his hand down to let Y/N see his cheek. It was now turning a different color than his regular skin tone.

Y/N touched his cheek and felt Stiles flinch, making Y/N whisper "sorry" low enough for only him and Scott to hear.

"Yeah, that's gonna form a bruise." Scott said.

Stiles looked at Scott, "yeah, no shit sherlock" he said sarcastically, causing all of you to laugh.

Scott helped him off the floor, Y/N taking his hand and intertwining it with hers.

"Come on, let's go get some ice for that sucker and then we can go get ice cream."

Stiles looked over at her, a grin forming on his face.

"See and this, among many other reasons, are why I love you." Stiles proudly said, slinging his arm around her shoulder while all 3 walked out of the high school together, not even caring about the rest of the school day.

Hope you guys enjoyed this first part! Let me know what you think!

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