Chapter Two.

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There was more than one surprise visitor that night. Gaston could shut his eyes and relive it all  in his head. A magical enchantress appeared in his study as he put the fire out in the fireplace as he prepared himself for bed. There was a sudden swoosh and breeze blew in the room, when the window was locked shut. Gaston looked over to his right and in the blink of an eye there stood a woman. Gaston, taken aback by the intruder pointed the sharpened hot metal. "Am I catching you at a bad time?" The enchantress clasped her hands together.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Gaston exclaimed, the only rational explanation being that Gaston had to be dreaming. "You will find out who I am in good time. There is a good reason for why I am here." The enchantress exhaled, being very brief with him. Gaston lowered this metal pole. "Well get on with it then." Gaston rolled his eyes, annoyed he had to utter a breath. "A little impatient, are we?" The enchantress said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Are you here to judge me, madame?" Gaston questioned, squinting his eyes irritated. "No, that is not it at all. I'm here because of Rose." She removed the hood of her cap, revealing her beautiful features. "What about her? She claims to be my daughter.  Why does this concern you?" Gaston scoffed at the woman, not meeting her eyes. "It concerns me because Monsieur Gaston because you seem incapable to love others. You have many people who love you and care about you, but you cannot see pass your own desire to give them a chance. Now, you have a chance to redeem yourself with your daughter Rose." The enchantress shrugged, as if it was that simple.

"Blasphemy! What do you know about how I feel about my family and friends!?!" Gaston spats in her face. "The guilt is written all of your face Monsieur Gaston. Things happen to people in life for a reason. You need to learn to love others. Rose, who has not met you loves you dearly. She needs her father." She sighed deeply. "But how do I know that she is my daughter?!" Gaston slammed his fist against his wooden desk. "You will know in your heart that child is a part of you." The mysterious enchantress professed to him.

"But I will you warn you Gaston Legrand. You must be prepared to make sacrifices." The enchantress said, not letting on much more than that. Gaston stuck his nose at her, and folded his arms over his chest, in defiance. Then, just as soon as she appeared, she was gone. Gaston knitted his eyebrows together, and he woke up from his dream. The enchantress visited him in his dream. 

He couldn't remain in fantasy for long though. Rose started tugging his arm slightly as he walked slowly into the dining hall, which brought him back into reality. "What are we going to do today, Father?" She looked up at him with big blue eyes, like his own. "You are to address me as, Monsieur Gaston." He knelt to her level. "Oh okay." She sniffled. Gaston stood back and they resumed conversation once again. So, what are we going to do today, Monsieur Gaston?" Rose wondered aloud.

"That is more like it. Now, I am afraid I won't be able to fit anything in my agenda today." Gaston confirmed. "Oh well there is always tomorrow then, right, Fa-I mean Monsieur Gaston." Rose grinned with a little gleam of hope. "We shall see." Gaston sighed, as he stopped abruptly and turned on his heel. "This is where we depart, my dear." Gaston said, peering down at her, motioning his head at the door. "Won't you dine with me?" The girl stared up at him with begging eyes. "I am afraid not. I have other important matters that crave my attention." Gaston lightly ran his tongue over his lips.

Rose understood and nodded her head. Gaston was not sure what to say after that, so he ducked his head down and walked away. The words of the enchantress fogged his mind. Now that he has seen and shared words with her, no doubt clouded his mind. He also could see Victoria. Oh Victoria. If only things had turned out differently for the both. They made each other happy, just not for long.

Gaston could briefly recall his last encounters he had with Victoria.

"Where have you been?" Victoria exclaimed, pulling him through the door. "What do you think I have been doing all this time? Don't flatter yourself." Gaston scoffed. "I worry about you night and day, Gaston. Can't you see?" Victoria retorted defensively. "I'm sorry, Victoria." Gaston brushed her hair behind your ear and kissed the center of your forehead. "There is something I need to confess, Gaston." Victoria bit her lip anxiously. "It can't be that bad." Gaston chuckled heartily.

"It is actually. I am to be married." Victoria inhaled suddenly. Gaston's face dropped. "To whom?" Gaston stood from the chair. "I don't think I should tell you." She shut her eyes and looked away from Gaston. "Why ever not? I have a right to know!?" Gaston shouted, causing Victoria to flinch. "Gaston, you were there for me when I needed you most. I think if it's best if we leave things cordially, right? It's for the best. I will always love you, Gaston. Please, know that." Victoria tried to brush her cheek against Gaston's face., But he wrenched her hand away from his face before she could.

"I don't know. I feel as if I was taken for granted. Goodbye, Victoria. I hope whoever you are marrying will feel your love." Gaston stated bitterly, turning on his heel. "Gaston, wait." Victoria called after him urgently. She forced him to turn around and look at her. "You want to me feel my love? Here you go." Victoria smacked her lips onto Gaston's. Gaston and Victoria didn't stop there though.

Gaston shook his head at the thought. He was so foolish then. Gaston was now able to connect the dots. It was not as complex as he perceived it was. When Gaston turned the corner, Isabel and he were reunited. "Master, I thought you were having breakfast with Rose?" Isabel raised her brow. "Not, no longer. I have other matters to attend to." Gaston grunted, as he kept walking. "Are you alright, Master? You don't look well." Isabel commented. "I'm fine! Will you leave me alone, woman!?" Gaston roared.

"I won't bother you about it again, Master. I am sorry I even brought it up at all." Isabel sighed, staring down at the ground and hurried away and not another word was said. 

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