Chapter Five.

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Rose found herself back in her bedroom, to her own devices. Even though she only been here for only a day, she already loved it here. She had more people in her life than she ever had; for it was only her and her mother most of the time. Rose does not like to think of the world without her mother in it. Rather, she imagines her mother is still with her to this day, in spirit of course. As Victoria told Rose that even though they will no longer see each other physically every day, that she will watch over her.

One of Rose's biggest fears was that she would forget her mother one day. Rose hoped that her father, will be able to tell stories of her mother, to help her remember her by. When she returned to her room, she found a doll that was not there before laid up on her bed. Rose wondered to herself where this came from. Rose tilted her head in confusion and scooped it up. It was a very pretty doll. It had very delicate and detailed features. She held the doll very close to her and hugged it.

It was then that Gaston peered through the crack in Rose's bedroom door, watching her this entire time, too nervous to move even an inch. Gaston knew where that doll came from. That was Lucy's doll when she was a girl, around Rose's age. Isabel must have recovered it and cleaned it off for her, among her other duties of the day. Gaston did not want to disturb Rose and deicded against telling her for now. He will find the right time. 

Seeing Rose like that, reminded him so much of Victoria. Oh! Those were the days in the sun. Oh! How much he missed those days. He could recall many instances of the two of them. One came to mind and Gaston could not shake.

Victoria was getting herself ready for bed, as she had already changed into her night gown and began to brush the tangles out of her long hair. In the corner of her mirror, she noticed someone in the glass. She spun around in her chair and saw Monsieur Gaston at her bedroom balcony. "Oh! what a fool is he" Victoria thought to herself as she giddily ran to the door and unlocked it.

"Well, hello Gaston." She greeted him warmly, leaning against the inside of the door. "Bonjour, Mademoiselle." Gaston replied, snatching up her hand into his own and planting a kiss. "Are you going to stand outside and stalk me all night long or are you going to come inside? Victoria shook her head and offered her his hand to lead him inside. Gaston gladly grabbed for her hand and followed her inside.

Gaston cupped Victoria's cheek gracefully and caressed her chin with the tip of his thumb right before he smashed his lips on hers. Victoria took her chance and pulled away. "What did you stop for, my love?" Gaston wondered out of total curiosity. "Do you think we're moving a little" Victoria was young and...inexperienced. She is very aware that Gaston was not shy, so to speak. "No, not at all, my darling. We'll go slow I promise." Gaston sealed it with another kiss.

Victoria trusted Gaston though, so she had no worries. After that everything went black in Gaston's mind. That was the first time Gaston and Victoria made love. And it was not the last. Due to Gaston's and Victoria's lacking a sense of responsibility and particularly not caring what happened, they loved one another and that's all that mattered to them. Rose was brought into the world.

Gaston made it up in his mind and was sure he would have a talk with Rose after dinner and break the news of their little trip they would be making in a week's time. A little vacation would be good for them. Gaston was convinced he was doing what was right as he was trying to avoid the wrath of the enchantress. 

When Isabel went to fetch Rose for dinner, she requested to dine with her and the servants. Isabel could not tell Rose no, so Rose joined them downstairs in the kitchen. Isabel and the servants got quite the kick out of Rose and enjoyed her company. While, Gaston, Lefou, and Lucy had dinner to themselves. Gaston proposed the idea of his little getaway with Rose. 

"Oh I'm sure she will enjoy that very much, Gaston." Lucy smiled, as she sipped her water. Lefou was still a little bitter with Gaston, but he knew that Gaston and him would never broach the topic again, so there was no sense in holding onto his anger. "What do you think about it, Lefou?" Gaston raised a brow. 

"Oh uh yes I agree with Lucy. Rose will most certainly enjoy herself." Lucy and Gaston looked between one another, and they both knew that something was very wrong with Lefou. Lucy urged Gaston to say something, to resolve whatever it was between them before the pot got any hotter. 

Gaston ignored her glances, and chugged away at his beer. Lucy rolled her eyes and lost her appetite. She picked up her napkin from her lap, wiped her mouth and excused herself for the evening. She pecked a kiss on Lefou's cheek, and did the same to her brother, and made sure to catch Gaston's ear. 

"Will you get over yourself for once brother and make up with Lefou. He's absolutely pathetic and I don't blame him." 

Gaston shook his head, acknowledging what Lucy said. He hated when she was right, which was most the time. 

Gaston sighed after Lucy shut the door behind her, leaving the two men sitting across from each other. 

"Lefou..." Gaston began, but was cut off. 

"Gaston don't. Prove to me that you can be a father to Rose, and all is forgiven." Lefou sighed. Gaston bit the inside of his lip, and nothing to say in response to that.

 Silence invaded the dining room, they could hear hooting and hollering from the kitchen. Gaston and Lefou looked up and stared, and wondered what on earth was going on. So, both men stood and went to investigate. The noise only grew louder, the closer they got to the kitchen. 

Gaston and Lefou burst through the door and found all the servants gathered around the round table. They were all laughing and having a grand time with little Rose. Lucy had even joined them, spending time with her niece. It took a second for them to notice that their master had entered and when they did they all stood and their laughter ceased. 

Isabel confronted him and asked him if he needed anything. 

"No, no I'm fine. We could hear you all enjoying yourselves." Gaston said, giving them a small smile. 

The young butler, apologized on behalf of them. 

"Heavens no! Don't be sorry...well I won't disturb you any longer..." Gaston went to make a move to the door when Lucy called out her brother. 

"Oh Gaston look at the time why don't you take Rose with you? Would you like that Rose?" Lucy placed her hand on Rose's shoulder. Rose just stared up at Gaston with big eyes. Gaston offered a smile and his hand. Rose walked over there and took his hand, and greeted him as Monsieur Gaston, as he instructed her to call him. 

No one said a word and Lefou got the door and they all walked out. Not long after, Lucy excused herself for the night as well. 

Lefou wished Rose and Gaston a good night and went his separate way, so it was just the two of them. This would be the perfect time to tell her about the trip. Gaston thought to himself. 

Gaston stopped short in the hall, not far from Rose's room. Gaston already went ahead and told Rose that Isabel would be up soon to get you ready for bed. 

Gaston knelt down in front of her, and admired her for a second. Rose took after Victoria very much, but he also saw himself. Hopefully she will never be like me. Gaston thought. 

"Is there anything else, Monsieur Gaston?" Rose squeaked out, breaking his train of thought. 

"Oh yes...Rose, my darling, you and I are going on a trip. We'll leave in two days time. I think it'll be good for us." Gaston formed a thin line with his lips, curious to hear what she had to say. 

"How lovely. Thank you, Monsieur Gaston." She pecked a kiss on his cheek and made her way to her room. 

Gaston stood up and watched her walk away from him. He straightened himself up, sighed, and retired to his quarters for the evening as well. 

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