Maji Burger

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As we were walking to maji burger i realized something...
'I have no money!' "k-kuroko i just realized i-i have no m-m-money...gomen" i look down as we kept walking "i'll pay" he told me patting my head. I blush "i c-cant possibly let you do that!" i say stubbornly crossing my arms in an 'X' manner.
Before he can say anything else we heard the sound of a basketball bouncing against concrete . we turn toward the direction and saw kagami playing by himself. "L-lets go say hi..?" i say,accidently making it form into a question. Kuroko nods and starts to go to the tiger's direction. i follow behind . Just as kagami was about to shoot kuroko went and stood next to the pole catching him off balance \ guard resulting the ball to just hit the rim of the hoop and right into kuroko's hands.
"What are you guys doing here?!"
We replied with a "hello\hi"

(From this point im following the manga)

"You...what are you hiding?"
Kagami says to kuroko
There was a silence before kagami spoke again
"I was in america until the second year of middle school"
He starts
"I was really shocked when i came back to japan. The level is just too low"
He starts to glare at kuroko
"What im looking for is not playing basketball for fun. I want to play in matches that make my blood boil at full strength."
Kagami starts to grin
"...But I've heard a nice thing seems like there are strong guys called the 'generation of miracles' in the same year. You were in that team right?"
"I can guess the strength of an opponent to some extent too.
Its like strong guys have a particular smell to them"
......thats kind of creepy..
"But your weird. Even though you should reek of weakness you don't smell like anything at all,your strength is odorless"

He gets this look on his face that i can only describe as an insane Smirk? Any way he looks scary.
"I want to see for myself. You from the 'generation of miracles' what kind of guy you are"
Kagami spoke challenging kuroko
"...what a coincidence"
He starts to take of his jacket(?)
"Huh? K-Kuroko-"
"I was thinking of playing against you as well"
He puts his jacket on my head as if i was a thing you place your jacket or hat on .
"One on one"

I take his jacket off my head and fold it in my arms.
As i watch them play my eyes widen...Kuroko...was......terrible...he couldn't shoot or do defence or nothing. as they played kagami smacks the ball out of kuroko's hands making him chase after it . a look of shock place its way onto kagami's face as he watched the blue haired boy get the ball.
"Dont mess with me!did you hear what i said? Your overestimating yourself if you think you can win against me like that" kagami angrily says "of course not" Kuroko bluntly said
"Isn't obvious that kagami-kun is the strongest?-i knew that from the beginning-"
Kagami puts on a scary angry look
"Are you picking a fight..! Whats your goal..."
"I wanted to see kagami-kun's strength directly. Ah and your dunks too"kuroko answered
Kagami puts his hand on his face
As he looks disappointed

"Err.." kuroko trails
"Ah its alright already" kagami cuts off "im not interested in weak guys" he grabs his jacket and bag
"...i'll give you one last advice"
"Its better if you give up on basketball"
I gasp quietly
"You have no talents in it"

Kuroko stares at kagami

"I have to say no to that"


"To begin with. I love basketball. On top of that.."

He pauses for a second
"Its a matter of point of view. I dont care about who is the strongest"

"What did you.."

"I am different from you.."

"I am.. A shadow "


I guess that that was the end of there conversation so i go up to kuroko and hand him his jacket and bag
"Arigotou yuki-kun"
I smile

"Oh i forgot about you! Who are you? Ive seen you before!"

"U-m im yuki Okubyona"
I say .
It seems like kagami was thinking about something untill he finally spoke "hopefully your different. One on one right now!" challenging me he puts his stuff back down, tossing me the ball. I sweat drop
"You dont have a smell either!"

"Y-your c-c-creepy!"



We then start to play

I use my lightning speed and head to the right and then faked
It and went left shocking kagami
I jump and kagami jumps after tring to block it but it was no use i jumped high enough and the ball went through the whoop (hinata jumps)
Kagami stares at the ball then starts to grin insanely
"Thats what im talking about!"
He then plays offense and tried to dribble the ball to the whoop but i rush behind him and smack the ball from behind and ran as fast as i could in front and retrieved the ball .kagami gets in front of me i fake a left and bouce the ball between his legs and shoot a three pointer. i then remember something
"Ah..kagami-kun? I f-forgot but me and k-kuroko are going somewhere..s-sorry!"
I grab the ball and give it to him
I bow and apologize again
"it w-was nice playing against you! Bye" and walk to kuroko
"Lets go" he nods and we start to walk
"What?! We arent done here ! It was just getting exciting! OI"

Kagami calls out

"Sorry! N-next time!"

Me and kuroko walk towards maji burger we go inside and to the counter
"T-hanks for paying i owe you one"
I say to him
"Damn straight you mortal"
"I said its fine"
I nod and smile
We both order a vanilla milkshake and i got fries too.
We sat by a window and started to talk about things like basket ball and stuff .

Today was a great day.

(Lol lord kuroko if you've seen the abriged version i was kidding)


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