1. Welcome to Litchfield

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Today, today was the day my life was going to change forever. If somebody had told me a couple of years ago that I would find myself going to prison, let's be real, I probably would have believed them. One too many wrong decisions had led to me being thrown in a van about to be driven to my new hell for the next three years.

Growing up as the youngest in a household with three older brothers and a single parent meant that I was always trying to find ways to get my dad to notice me, whether that be by getting myself kicked out of high school or getting home in the early hours of the morning drunk to the point where I could hardly stand. Suddenly, coming home drunk eventually not coming home due to being too high to even remember where I even lived.

So here I am, Litchfield Federal Prison, serving three years for the possession of drugs. I was sitting in the back of the van when a woman with white hair sat next to me wearing beige muttering about how if she tried hard enough she would take us all back in time. That was when it really kicked in, I was no longer a person, just an inmate, and a number. Soon enough the van started moving and there was no turning back. Getting out of the van made my stomach drop, I felt like I was in shark-infested waters, I knew how to pack a punch, growing up with brothers taught me that but prison was a whole other story. Walking past all the women I kept my head up, as long as no-one saw how scared I was on the outside I would be fine. I took one last breath before I followed the girl who's name was Pennsatucky and entered my next three years.

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