3. No Work No Play

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I was walking down one of the bland halls, it was so weird how I was finding a routine in prison, the idea was just crazy to me. I had been told I was to receive outfits like everybody else which made me so happy, I could finally walk around the whole prison whilst fitting in, it was the only way I could make this sentence go quicker.

Before I knew it I was at the laundry, I guess that happens when everywhere looks the same you lose all track of sense. I didn't mind having to go and get my new outfit as I was now friends with Alex so at least I would get to see her today before dinner.

''Alyona! How's prison treating you?'' Alex shouted from her place behind the table folding laundry.

''I'm great how do you think, I can't go anywhere or do anything. What more could I want.'' I replied not even bothering to acknowledge the meth heads that had been staring at me since I walked into the room. ''You know, I haven't asked you, what's your surname, it's weird that they just gave you a number,'' Alex answered and just as I was about to reply the infamous Nichols walked in dressed in her toolbelt.

''What is this huh, an ex-junkie meet and greet'' she smirked as she got a ladder and started to fix a broken light. I didn't have to go to electrical today since Luschek said he only needed three inmates which was kind of annoying as it would have helped pass the time.

''You're funny, no I need my new clothes'' I said as I went to sit on the table in the middle of the room that Alex was at and whilst she went to get my new prison gear the meth heads decided to join in with our conversation.

''You know that your ma's coming back soon right? You guys gonna hold a family gathering and talk about how you guys are gonna be a loving family outside of prison.'' the blonde one piped up. I swear all they do is try and create drama but since I wasn't really in Alex and Nicky's family, I hadn't even met their 'mom' yet so I decided to keep quiet and ignore her. Nicky didn't take the easy route out and ended up charging over to her which meant I had to go grab her and my near clothes and get her out of laundry into my dorm where she would finally calm down.

So much for a quiet and calm day in prison.

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