Mini story inside the story. lol

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*Okay so I'm gonna take a SHORT break on the main story 'cause I'm running low on ideas on how to continue it. o3o'' I'm sorry if you thought this was the next update of the main story of the book, but you'll have to wait just a little bit. I don't want to just leave and not update anything, so I'm just gonna write short stories in between for now. I hope you enjoy them as much as you enjoy the main story ^^ 

-Ivy aka Neko Chang~*  (credits to the owner of the fanart above) 


^Narrator's P.O.V^ (Y/N) = Your name and (F/S) = Favorite scent 

  The typical fairy tale ending has a princess and prince falling in love~ and a true loves kiss, then everything is perfect. Like, no. Life ins't that easy. In this story I'm about to tell you, has five talented, handsome princes. They were all best of friends until every single one of them fell for you. (you can guess who.. lmao) Anyways let me introduce the amazing princes before we start!

  The first prince is Prince Lee Jihoon. (Woozi oppa!!!~~ He's my bias sorry ><)  Jihoon is a very shy and sweet guy. He doesn't have much experience in dating, but he is a gentlemen. He loves to make music, play instruments like a guitar for you, sing like the angel he is and hanging out with his friends. Jihoon is the quietest out of all the princes, but he will laugh like a maniac if you're lucky to catch him. Overall, he is fun to have around. You can definitely chill with him. Very loving~ He'll be afraid to lose you. Jihoon will be by you at all times.

 The next Prince you'll meet is Prince Boo Seungkwan! He is the second loudest out of all. He can make you laugh with his sassy-ness. XD Seungkwan is pretty much a diva 24/7, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you. He just has a weird way of expressing it to you that's all. Seungkwan is the youngest of all so he always calls for his mom at random times. Like: When he is scared in a "haunted house" or when learning how to ski. (One fine day.. XD) Besides that, you will never be bored when you are with him. Did I mention he has an incredibly high singing voice? In a good way.

 Next up is Prince Lee Seokmin. Tbh, You can't really tell if he is screaming or laughing really loudly. It's entertaining. Seokmin is the loudest. (duuur) He may scream... a lot, but when he sings, it's like heaven. It's soothing and calming. It's so bootiful T^T. You can always find Seokmin with Seungkwan. He is either pissing Seungkwan off  by copying him or they're just chilling together. But Seokmin is an amazing person. Will always sing to you. You'll enjoy all the songs he sings and his humor. 

  Next is Prince Hong Jisoo. (Holy Jisoo *^*)  This dude is a literal dork, but it ain't a bad thing ehh? He'll break out dancing at the WORST moments ever, rap about random stuff, but you love him anyways (right?)  Jisoo will also sing to you. Soft and sweet like him! ^^  Jisoo's laugh and voice in general though, like augh! Jisoo is the actual gentleman out of all. (Sorry Jihoon XD) Very romantic. Roses and all. Just! SO perfect (I'll admit, Joshua is my bias wrecker) 

  The best for last! Prince Yoon Jeonghan. An angel sent down to Earth from the heavens or is he. His beauty makes all the ladies fall for him. You wonder why he chose you and not a mirror sometimes. Jeonghan doesn't always make people fall because of his beauty, no. He can sing to all the little birdies and make the sun come out on rainy days. Even his laugh is angelic. Jeonghan is very much a flirt. He can be a total angel or a bad child. Jeonghan breaks the family rules and has a mind of his own. Just *Inhales* Let's move on before I die. /.\ 

   Ookay, time to get started. You are the daughter of the most wealthy and beloved king, Seungcheol. Every man of the land adores you and your royal family. You're father is kind to his subjects and all the other kingdoms near by. It was the afternoon when you heard something fall in your room. You got off your comforting bed to look at the item. It was a glass bottle with a letter inside of it. You popped the top off the bottle and a sweet scent filled your nose. You instantly recognized it! It was (F/S), your favorite. You smiled yourself and carefully took out the letter. 

My dearest (Y/N),

  I invite you to a small gathering with me and my friends again! It has been a long time since we hung out with each other. 5 years to be exact!  We all have missed you very much. Please come to the gathering. You know where, correct? The secret garden? I hope you do. We'll be waiting~


Jihoon, Seungkwan, Seokmin, Jisoo, and Jeonghan

  You squealed and bounced around the room. It was very true! You haven't seen these guys in forever. This was a big deal. You opened your large wardrobe and scanned through the dresses you had. (Sorry if you don't like dresses) Your eyes landed on this small, black dress. It had lace decorating the top of the dress. You took it out and changed quickly. You ran down the spiral stairs and waved a goodbye to your father. Swiftly, you grabbed your cloak so no one can tell who you were when you passed the villagers. You were close to the little garden when someone picked you up and spun you around. At first, you were hit with fear, then you realized it was none other than Joshua. He has grown so much! He had grown his hair out and dyed it a light pink.

"Hi! It's been a long time! You look different" He blurted out. 

"uhhh, yeah"

"Oh! No no, not in a bad way! You're very beautiful" 

"oh, thank you.." you felt your cheeks heat up. Jisoo laughed and kissed it. Your eyes went wide and you held your burning cheek. 

"I never got to tell you... I really like you, (Y/N).... When I first laid my eyes on you, I-I just fell so hard for you and-"

  Jisoo was cut off when Jeonghan cleared his throat. Jisoo turned around, looking a little nervous. 

  Jeonghan slowly made his way over and crossed his arms over his chest. He put on a devilish smirk. " I thought we discussed this, Jisoo...  I was gonna confess. Not You."

  As he got closer, the three other guys came out. Jihoon held Jeonghan back and Seokmin got in front of me and Jisoo. 

"Guys stop! I know, each and every one of us has feelings for (Y/N)... BUT we can't just fight! It's (Y/N) choice, okay? I don't want this group to split because of a stupid crush" Seungkwan blurted.

Jeonghan stopped struggling and looked at you. Everyone did. You could feel yourself sweating under the large cloak you were wearing. 

"I-I choose..."


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