Playing Safe

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-Third's Pov-

It's been three days since Sei offered to let Rin stay with him and his roommate until things settle down between him, his brother, and the exwires. Rin was now in his new bed petting Kuro, who was asleep next to him curled into a ball.

When Rin met Sei's roommate Gosu, the goth kid would send glances at him, as if he was studying him like a book. But he didn't say anything and Rin didn't want to cause any trouble.

Everytime Gosu would look in his direction, watching him...Rin would stare down at his feet so he wouldn't look at the guy in the face.

Right now, Rin was alone with Kuro in Sei's bedroom while said boy and roommate were out doing something. Rin was just playing it safe. He needed to get away from everyone else.

Away from jeers, insults, and scared looks.

To be honest, Rin doesn't even feel like he's wanted around anyone anymore.

He can already tell his brother doesn't want to deal with him.

The exwires (save for Izumo) were bothered by his presence.

Rin: -Sighs- Where did I go wrong...?

All he wanted was to just fit in. But no, he had to deal with everyone's expectations of him.

Son of Satan...

The Bastard Sprawn...

Demon Child...

The Vatican's Weapon...

Someone whose unfit to live...

It was not fair...

Why couldn't he just be Rin...

He was not like Satan.

Sure, he had his powers and demonic features. But...He was different from Satan.

He wanted to be an normal child.

But no...God decided to play a cruel trick on him and he had to be born...

As Satan's son...

That's all the exorcists see him as...

They scared of him...

They threaten him...

They want to kill him...

All because of Satan's crimes aganist humanity.

Rin: Well fuck it! I'm not him! Why can't everyone just let me be who I am?!

He was not wanted in Assiah.

Gehenna basically is calling for him...

Due to all the demons appearing sometimes...

Some tried to killed him while others threaten to take him away from Assiah only to work under Satan's rule.

Giving that bastard what he wanted...

Rin: Sometimes...I just wish I was dead...

???: Awww...Is that really how you feel~?

Rin: (What the...?! That voice...No...)

A bunch of pink smoke appeared in the room surprising Rin, who stares in shock, as he saw the familiar demon popping out of it.

Rin: M-Mephisto?!

Mephisto gave a grin while playing with his umbrella.

Mephisto: Hello again, young Okumura-kun~!

Rin growled. What was he doing here?!

Rin: How did you know I was here?!

Mephisto: Oh well my young little demon~! I. KNOW. EVERYTHING~!


Mephisto sighs knowing that he wasn't welcomed around Rin at the moment. He could tell the his younger brother was in a lot of pain.

Rin: Look. Whatever you have to say or for me to do. Forget it. I'm not in the mood for one fo your schemes.

Mephisto: Ah. What do you mean by that?

Rin growled again in frustration.

Rin: You wouldn't appear unless you have something for me to do. Just leave me alone. Let Yukio do it or something. It was better it I wasn't around.

Mephisto's grin went into a frown.

Mephisto:...What makes you say that...?

Rin sighs again before saying the only thing he never would think he would say.

Rin:...I think...No...I quit being an Exorcist...

I quit being an Exorcist

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