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Say hi to grans and granpa!

Sometimes, life put you in situations where you have no idea how to get out of it. Like, you are stuck in a messy puddle and don't know how to get out, or when you find that your boyfriend has been cheating on you past two years, can you relate?

My condition was similar, not that I had any boyfriend trouble or I was stuck in mud, but I was stuck between if's. If's are something that irritate you more than anything else, like what if I wear the orange dress to the party, would it look too orangy? What if my parents would find out about my boyfriend? What if some creep would decide to buy the house next door? What if after eating this last slice of cake, I will get fat and will never be get skinny again? It's like we are stuck in a puzzle of what if's and there is only one way to get out, but it's too puzzly to figure out the actual way and then, you make a wrong decision.

Last night was all about twists and turns. I was not able to sleep for more than two hours because the nightmare of morning was threatening me. Mr. Steele didn't let me quit the job and now, I was stuck in a situation where I didn't know what to do with Sam. Sometimes, these kind of situations makes me feel if I made the right decision three years back by adopting Sam. I was naive back then and just adopted him because of my love for children. Never once had I thought about getting a job and living seperately.

Neither did I think about being the PA of Mr. Steele, but here I was.

Sometimes, life don't give you any options, it's either you take that opportunity which is right in front of you, or leave it. There's no in between. Right now, I had two options, to take Sam with me to the office atleast for today or leave him alone in this huge house for seven hours and just hope that he is okay, but the latter was much more unacceptable.

Because taking him along with me to work was a huge NO. Mr. Steele would literally kill me with his daggers also known as eyes.

Sitting beside Sam on his bed and thinking whether or not to wake this little munchkin from his slumber was the toughest decision right now to make. It was eight in the morning and if I want to reach the office on time, I had to wake him up. My heart, mind and the whole body was screaming not to wake him up, but I was left with no other options. These were the times where I wondered— was I actually a doing a good job as a mother?

Just as I was about to wake him, I heard the door bell ring. Must be Matt and another one of his ghostly dreams. Having that thought in my mind, I walked towards the door and open the door, making sure to make a good laugh about Matt's dream, but my eyes widened in shock and my mouth dropped open. Soon, realisation hit me and lines of happiness came across my face. I jumped and twirled and hugged the daylights off my mother.

There she was, standing with a wide grin on her face, on my doorstep.

"Don't act so shocked, you are not dreaming."

"Not like I am not happy to see you here, but how?" I asked, trying to recall if she has ever mentioned about her on our last conversation, but my mind was all blank.

"Your father and I were missing you and that little demon, so we decided to move here."

"Plus, the scope of earning is pretty good in my profession here." Dad piped in.

My whole body froze for a second or two and I squealed in happiness after the whole moving thing processed in my mind.

"For real?"

"For real."

I was happy, because my parents decided to move here, but I was more than happy because now, I will be able to go for work and won't have to worry about Sam. Ofcourse, it's going to be a tough task convincing Sam about staying with his grandparents, but Sam was a clever boy. It's not that he doesn't like them, he loves to spend time with them, but with me around.

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