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Making a tough decision!

The sound of beeping was very clear to my ears, like something has been beeping right beside me. It doesn't sound like my alarm, but I am sure it's very familiar. My head was hurting a little and I felt a jolt of dizziness in my head when I tried to open my eyes.

The beeping sound went crazy as I finally opened my eyes and tried to sit on the bed which doesn't feel like my bed at all. As I opened my eyes, all I could see was white walls, a heart monitor, needles under my skin, Matt on one of the chairs and Mr. Steele?

What was he doing here?

Then everything came crashing down to me in a sudden realisation. I fainted. In his office. God, this is so embarassing!

"Babe, let me help you." Matt came rushing towards me when he saw my failed attempt to sit. Mr. Steele was sleeping rather peacefully might I add. He must me really tired.

"Do you know how worried I was when I got a call from the hospital! Who told you to faint? Couldn't you just wait a little longer and faint at home instead? He could have raped you for all we know. You know how these hot CA hunks are! H—" I stopped him before he could continue his hour long speech and kissed him on his cheek. "Mattie, I am okay and I am sure he wouldn't have done that and faint at home? Seriously." He sighed and engulfed me in a hug.

"Don't you ever do that missy or else, I am breaking up with you." He said, pointing his index finger. This was his common thing. He would always threaten me like this by saying he would no longer be my best friend and then I would give him puppy eyes and he would melt right away just like he melted right now.

Suddenly, I was embraced in hug by two people and might I add it was quite a tight hug. "Do you want to kill her by suffocating her, jerk!" Wait, I know this voice. I looked at my right and there stood Cathie with her hand on her hips and was looking angrily at Luke.

"Atleast I won't suffocate her with my smell. You stink, bitch!" She gasped and hit his arm. "I fucking sprayed my Victoria Secret's perfume today. How dare you!"

"Even VS couldn't hide your stinky smell."

"Yo—" I cut them off and gave them 'are you guys crazy' look.

"I am sorry." They both said, at the same time and gave each other a mean look.

"How are you feeling now?" Cathie asked.


"Ofcourse, she is feeling better now, dumbass." Luke commented.

"Shut the fuck up! No one's asking you." Well, I didn't know they both knew each other this well.

Luke's phone suddenly started ringing, so he excused himself. "I don't want to leave, but I will have to or else Mr. Steele would fire me. He told me to leave as soon as you wake up. Take care. Bye." After bidding her goodbye, Luke came saying he also had a call from office and he also left, not before giving ne a bone crushing hug.

Looks like someone is a lover of hugs.

"Mattie, where's Sam?" I asked, concern lacing in my voice. How stupid of me! How can I forget about my son!

"Don't worry, he is with your parents." I sighed in relief and gave him a grateful smile. "I could never thank you enough Matt, seriously." He wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear, "Stop thanking me every damn time or I would just become a self centred jerk." We both laughed at this and pulled away on hearing someone cough.

"How are you feeling, Ms. Collins?" He asked in a husky voice.

"Goo—" Before I could complete my word, Matt cut me off and said angrily, "Is this your ninja technique for getting into girl's pants? First give them a shit load of work not only at office hours, but also during off-hours, give them so much burden that they couldn't sleep and then when they fall sick, ask them how they feel, like you are even a bit concerned. Really?" His nose was fuming and his hands were fisted like he was just about to throw punch at Mr. Steele. I put my hand on his fist and he looked in my eyes. "Relax, Mattie. It's okay."

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