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It has been exactly one week since Mr. Steele asked me something that I was yet to figure out whether it was real or just a tease sort of a thing because as soon as those words were out of his mouth, I started choking on air and trust me, that was the most embarassing thing I had done till date if we exclude the part where I slipped from the stairs in front of my cousin's fiancé and fell down with a loud thud, but that was two years ago and Matt was there to rescue me by making this amazing excuse,

"Wow, Enna, you did a great job!" Then after turning towards my cousin's finacé, he told him, "We have been trying this act of falling by thumping on each and every stair since past one week and Enna here finally did it!" Even though it was the most irrational and idiotic excuse I had ever heard in my entire life, he still ignored it by making a face that loud and clear spoke 'you are both crazy', but that was in the past and who cares if he still looks at me and makes a weird face, right?

I do.

But no one needs to know that.

Anyways, that was not the point here, the whole point was me choking on air which lead Mr. Steele to quickly rush to his kitchen to grab a glass of water and have me drink it by rubbing his hand up and down my back. He thought, he was doing a good job, but in reality, his touch was making it harder for me to breathe and thus, yet another choking attack.

No dirty thoughts.

We didn't really speak after that as I was ordered to sleep as he went into some room to work because apparently, he couldn't left me there alone with all the media outside, as if they were going to attack me with questions inside the safety of his home, but he worked differently just like that.

After a week of staying away from media by entering the office through back doors and not going out anywhere, unless really, really required, the chaos has quiet down, not much, but to the extent where I could go out without having media on my back everytime and that was a huge relief because I needed to take Sam out as he was getting too bored inside. I asked mom and dad to take him out, but after looking at all the media at the entrance of the building, we decided that it was best if we kept indoors for the time being.

That specific question was never raised again as he was back to his usual possessive and bossy way and I was trying my best to act like it was not affecting me in any way, shape or form, while in reality, it was eating me like a shark eats it's prey. I didn't ask him anything about it, neither did he mention anything about it, so I considered that moment as a mere spur of the moment.

I was currently working on some files Mr. Steele asked me to go through and I was almost done. Fifteen minutes later, I let out a huge sigh as I completed everything I was assigned to. I had been working on it for four hours straight and I was really exhausted by now.

Mr. Steele was working really hard to get a contract which he was supposed to sign it off with Mr. Allerton, the person I didn't even want to think about. Good thing, we were getting the same contract at a better price and a much better profit margin from Mr. Bezos and Mr. Steele was not planning on letting this very good opportunity to slip away from right under his nose.

Neither was I planning to ruin it.

For some really odd reason, I was feeling nervous today. Like I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach—the feeling you get when something bad is about to happen, like life was giving me a heads up towards something bad that was going to come towards me—something I couldn't handle. My stomach was in knots and I felt like I was about to slide down from a very high roller coaster ride.

Not paying much attention to it, I gathered all the files that I worked on and started walking towards Mr. Steele's office. Once, I was outside, I knocked twice on the door even though I was instructed, more like ordered to get inside without any permission, but that gave away the employee vibes, hence the knocking.

"Come in." His smooth and velvety voice spoke and I gathered myself before entering.

Don't want him to think I'm obsessed over him or anything now, do I?

"The files." I said, while placing the files on the desk and he passed me a small, yet gentle smile.

And yes, I was back to the minimum talking, not that I used to talk much before anyways.

"Did you have your lunch?" He asked and a smile instantly spread on my lips on hearing the concern behind his voice.

"Yes, thank you for asking."

"The pleasure is all mine." But something told me, he meant otherwise.

Not wanting to think much about it, I decided to bid him goodbye and leave for home, when my phone rang loudly making my eyebrows furrow in confusion as no one really called me at this time of the day, other than Matt, ofcourse.

I checked the caller id and I was not really shocked to see Matt's shirtless picture popping like he was teasing me. If you wouldn't have guessed by now, yes, I was forced to keep this picture on the caller id. Thinking that it must be yet another of his What should I give champ to eat? or Can I please win against him this time?, I picked up the call, but what shocked me to death was, it was not the normal call.

"Hey, Mattie." I said, chirping.

"Enna, I have something to tell you, but for that you need to be strong." His voice held concern, fear and pain and I didn't know the last time he was this worried for something. Heck, I think I even heard his voice crack at the end.

"What is it Matt? You are making me worried now." I said through the phone, as I saw Mr. Steele get up from his chair and stand before me.

"Enna, it's, erm, it's about Sam." He stuttered and by the way he spoke, I was sure it was not going to be something that I would take easily.

"What about Sam? What happened to him?" I asked, worried sick. My heartbeats started increasing and my heart thudded loud against my ribcage.

"He got kidnapped, Enna."

And my legs gave out as I fell on the floor.


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