Chapter 2 ~ Why Mom?

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A/N: Yeah, I get it. I just posted the first chapter to this thing like a a few minutes ago, but we are going to go with it. I just feel like writing more today even though it is like 10:00 PM, and I have to do so much stuff tomorrow. Listen to the music while you're reading. Might cause more emotions. Well, anyways, enjoy the story. :)


I just finished work, but again, the thought of the song kept popping in my mind. In that moment, I realized that this is how people went insane. Once they found out about the song, the song slowly takes over their mind if they think about it too many times. It apparently depends on this person. For my mother, I lost her after she thought about it just once.


Mother's POV

Searching the attic, I found a sheet of paper in one of the boxes. That was never there before?Staring at it, I found it strange that the piece of paper still survived after all of these years. I understood that some paper could survive after going underwater, so I assumed that it was just that type of paper. The paper, for a strange reason, had notes and words put onto the page. Why would someone have music when all of is logged into the city? I sat on the floor tried to hum it. Every note felt like it cut through my skin, causing me to bleed. Thankfully, I still had my body unharmed. Almost finishing the bar, the world started to turn dark until none of my senses worked. I smelled nothing. I felt nothing. I saw nothing. I heard nothing. I tasted nothing. The only thing that I could see was an imagination. An imagination of a place where land looked like clouds. I knew I was dying, and I couldn't help it. I turned around with a chance to escape out of the golden gates, but they closed behind me. Good bye, world. Good bye, Krystal.

Krystal's (original) POV

I stood near the entrance of the attic, waiting for Mom to hurry up. Supposedly, she was supposed to call me when she finished what she was looking for, so I could close the door. I waited for the longest time. Just as I was about to go check on her, I heard a thud. Without a second thought, I ran up the stairs to find Mom laying on the floor with a piece of paper in her hand. "Mom!" I shrieked. She didn't move. She didn't respond. What could be happening? I grabbed her wrist to check her pulse. Nothing. No, Krystal. You are not crying now. Not yet. You are not crying after you lost Dad. Trying to carry her, she seemed lighter. Everything clicked into place as I called the ambulance.

They finally arrived, and they shoved me and my mom into the back. Sadly, they understood my current situation and declared her as deceased. I bit back my tears as I heard the news. They continued to take me to the hospital to make sure she has passed.

When we arrived, a doctor checked for any pulses and sighed. "Kid, I am so sorry. She's gone," he whispered as if he was also trying to hold back tears. One by one, tears dripped down my face. I fell to the floor and wiped the tears from my eyes. They just couldn't stop. With the people around me, they looked away and sighed, knowing the issues that stirred inside me.

End of Flashback

Krystal's POV

Thankfully, I have gotten over that. I moved out of that house and moved here. I sighed as I continued home. Suddenly, the song popped back into my mind, and I felt a searing pain through my stomach. With the pain, I continued trying to get home, but I suddenly collapsed. With my arms, I dragged myself to the house. "Krys!" I heard someone exclaim from inside before everything disappeared.

Chapter 2 Completed


A/N: I haven't typed this fast since I procrastinated on a project for school. Somehow, I got this done in 20 minutes, so obviously, it might suck. Hopefully, this chapter wasn't too depressing. I almost cried writing this chapter. Anyways, I hope you are having a good summer (or winter because who knows! You might be living on the other side of the globe!)! Just know that this story will be short. I hope that you enjoyed the first two chapters of this story. Thank you for reading! :)

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