I could need you...

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The lost boys comes out from the woods and Peter stands infront of me with his evil look. "I knew you wouldn't just give her to me." he says and reach for a knife in his belt. "But you know, you can still change your mind. I could need a girl who can fight on this island." he tells me and point his knife at my face.

he rise his eyebrown for an answer.

"Never!" I yell and his mouth turns in to a laugh. "Heard that boys?". he turns away from me and watch the boys standing ready with knifes and bows. "Take her to the treehouse!" he yells and watch me being carried away from his evil grin.

the treehouse was, not as I thought, a nice little house up in the tree. They make me sit on the bed and then leave. I reach for my harmonica in my pocket and starts to play. I think of Ellie, hope they doesn't hurt her. atleast I want to give Peter a good fight befor he even tries to tuch her. The sun is going down behind the mountains and I lay down on the bed. I need to escape... Now!

I look out the door, two tall boys stands on the ground with their wepons ready. I reach the ladder and climb down. they stop me just befor the last step. "You know, there is no toilet up there and I think a girl has it more difficult to do it than boys." I say and jump down the last step.

they take away there wepons and let me pass. "Just do it quick." one of them say and I walk slowly away from them untill they can't see me.

Are you serious? That was the easiest part ever.

Then I run, I run as fast as I can because I know Peter soon will know that I am gone. I see the light of the fire and starts to tiptoe closer to see.

"I thought you didn't like partys." a voice says behind me.

I know that voice very well now. It's Peter Pan.

The heart of a young girl ~ OUAT peter pan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now