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small smut warning!!!!!

yoongi and jimin had gone off to separate rooms to sleep. yoongi lay in bed attempting to sleep. his eyes shut as she kept tossing and turning.

once he finally found a comfortable spot he didn't move until something moved him.

he looked up to see jimin and almost screamed out of shock. yoongi had almost forgotten jimin was staying at yoongi's.

jimin stared at yoongi, deap into his eyes. yoongi sat in complete shock as jimin began to crawl onto the bed.

yoongi hadn't moved, still in shock as the small boy made his way so he was on top of yoongi.

he started into jimin's eyes? almost as if he was in a trance and jimin was controlling him.

jimin leaned down and placed his lips on yoongi's jawline, sending goosebumps down yoongi's entire body.

jimin began to kiss from yoongi's jawline all the way to the corner of his lips stopping. he removed his lips and straddled yoongi's thighs, sitting down to remove yoongi's shirt.

jimin looked at yoongi in awe. jimin would've killed for yoongi's body when he was alive.

he the reattached their lips causing a small groan out of yoongi. then jimin began to kiss down yoongi's neck and onto his chest as he began to grind on yoongi. yoongi slowly began to get excited as jimin's and lips send shivers through his body as his hips where creating amazing friction on yoongi's member.

when jimin made his way back up to yoongi's face, yoongi shot up, smashing his lips against jimin's.

jimin was taken by surprise by began to grind on yoongi more, making yoongi moan into ten kiss, allowing jimin to slide his tongue in his mouth.

the continue to kiss as their tongues fight for dominance. at this point yoongi was hard and eager for more.

he took his hands to the hem of jimin's shirt which made jimin stop completely. jimin didn't say anything. he simply removed himself from yoongi and left the room.

'what even?' yoongi thought. 'well now what' he looked at his pants

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