Chapter 5 - The Buffet

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Later in the afternoon, they decided to go and look around. Everyone put on smarter clothes, well, at least the girls did. The boys just kept their clothes on from earlier in day, except for Jimmy who changed into a vest.

Emilia wore a teal dress with an underskirt, tights and gold shoes. Her hair was still wet from the pool so it was wavy. Carly wore a white dress with butterflies and squiggles on it. She brushed her hair to be straight after she put on bronze shoes with pink hearts on them. Pearl wore a dress with a white skirt with a red bow on the front and a blush top. She also wore tights and red slip-on shoes. She had her hair in a ponytail. Rosalina wore a black dress with tights and black slip-on shoes. Her hair was down. KC wore a purple top and a navy blue skirt that was at her ankles. Her hair was in a pleat and her shoes were gold. Tea Party wore a turquoise dress, slip-on shoes and her hair in a ponytail. TicToc wore a white T-shirt, turquoise shorts, a black waistcoat and her white shoes with her hair in as much of a ponytail that it could go into. Gidget wore a dress with a silver, sleeveless top and a turquoise skirt. She wore silver heels and her hair in a plait with a bit hanging out at the front. Finally, Bella wore a black and pink dress with 5 layers. The first layer was the top which was black. Then the next pink, and so on. She wore black heels and her hair down with the pink and purple streaks at the left.

H was first downstairs. Jimmy following. Then it was Bob, Pearl, TicToc and Bella. After that it was Emilia, Rosalina, Carly and Tea Party.

Finally, KC and Gidget came downstairs. KC needed help with her hair so Gidget helped her. "Wait a second! H, you're not wearing your normal top! What is it!" Pearl shouted. "Geez shut the flip up!" H replied. "Wait...Is that?" Jimmy started. "The top with my name on it?" Rosalina laughed. "SERIOUSLY?!! OTP!" Pearl shouted even louder than last time. Gidget and Bella both shooshed her.

It was around dinner time, so they went to the hotel restaurant which was a buffet. There was pizza, pasta, salad, spaghetti, meatballs, noodles, ramen, chicken balls, chicken and sweetcorn soup, tomato soup, lobster, tuna, ravioli, muscles, crab, hot dogs and burgers.

Then their was desserts; Ice cream, pancakes, nutella, chocolate fountain, marshmallows, haribos, Dairy Milks, croissants and strawberry sauce.

The drinks machines were at the entrance. There was a coffee, hot chocolate and tea machine, a strawberry, mango, banana or pineapple smoothie machine, a diet coke, lemon, orange and summer fruit fanta, orange tango, sprite and 7up machine and an ice machine.

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