Chapter 4

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***Jackie's POV***

When I get up my eyes meet the light blue hue of my ceiling and I squint because of the sun reflecting off the little icicles. Great, I just got up and now I'm blind. The only thing worse that could happen today is having another run-in with Jack I'm-so-believed-in Frost.

Crap! I jinxed it!

I groan and get off my bed and pick up my staff which is leaning against the wall before trotting outside to get to work. Word is that New York is experiencing an odd lack of snow due to Jack neglecting the area this winter.

Idiot. He cant even keep tabs on when snow is needed and where! The kids there haven't had a snow day all winter! That chump really makes me mad...

I walk with purposed to the end of the walkway and let the wind brush out my shoulder length hair until it falls in straight locks around my face and shoulders before looking at the sun to check the time. Around 11am I'd say. I need to leave soon but what the hell, why not change into something else?

I walk back into my home and pull out some brown jeans then a blue hoodie that covers my fingers completely and a dark blue tshirt with the word 'ice' printed in blod font. That's when I notice the bottom of my jeans are a bit too loose so wrap some dark brown thread around the ankles. Sorted.

I turn to my mirror and focus on my hair until I hear a crackling sound and some of my hair falls to the ground and I'm left with spiky and rough layers completely blue in colour. The hair that fell now melts into the ice as if nothing ever happened. I put light black eye liner around my eyes and send myself a single nod in the mirror before I turn my staff into a pendant on a brown string necklace before walking out again and spreading my arms out then falling off the side.

I fall with my back to the ground at first but then I turn so that I'm falling face down and feet up. I can only wander what I would look like to people standing far away. I laugh loudly and extend my arms to my sides in an aeroplane style as I look at the ground rapidly spiralling closer.

"NO!!!" I hear someone yell. What? Don't look at me. I didn't yell. I feel someone's cool arms wrap around my waist and suddenly I'm flying. Dafuq?

Well this is a umm...development?

I look up from my hands that are pressed against a male chest to see this hooligans face. I almost bust a nerve just when I do that. It's bloody Jack fucking Frost. I knew I jinxed it this morning!!

"Let go of me!" I scream as I struggle as he flies me to un unknown destination "No!" he looks down at me with anger and sadness "why would you do that?!" I'm confused "I've never met you before but I know you don't need to kill yourself!" he shouts over the sound of the wind howling past us. Of course we've met he-! Wait...he doesn't....hahahaha! I look different so he doesn't remember me. I'll give him a reminder then, shall I?

"Jack Jack Jack" I tut at him and he looks at me in confusion. His eyes widen as I feel my eyes turn from happy ice blue to midnight blue "don't mess in things that don't concern you" the voice sounds echo-y and unlike mine. I remember my hurt to fuel my power and I push him away from me which sends him 5 meters away and I float by myself with red ice in my hands then laugh at him "you fool" I shoot it at him with all of my anger inside the shards and it lands square in his chest.

Right where it needs to be.

I smirk as his eyes begin to droop as he clutches his chest "wh-what have you done?" he stutters as he feels the unusual cold drain his powers enough for him to not be able to fight back "oh I just weakened you" I go up to him and place a finger under his chin so that he looks at me in the eyes. I frown "still don't remember me?" I ask in a childish voice, my smirk growing "oh well, everyone else can't even see me so its better than nothing" I close my eyes and allow my hair and eyes to go back to normal. I hear Jack gasp as I open my eyes.

The wanker didn't expect that, did he?

"hello Jack Frost. My name is Jackie Freeze" I grab him by the hoodie and look him in his eyes " and you are the reason no-one believes in me!" I yell at him and shove him away with all my force which ends up throwing me in the right direction of New York.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the ice. I take it back and it swirls around my palm before being absorbed back into me. Jack should feel a bit drained but all his powers still work and he should be back to his greedy self in a matter of seconds.


I arrive in New York and spread a light dusting of snow at first then bring on 2ft of snow around 4pm that should last until around 5pm tomorrow. The children can thank the me for the snow day but I know they never will.

I look down on my work then, after approving of it, I fly to the park where it's already completely dark and empty.

I perch myself on a branch with my back against it's bark and I pull my hood up then tuck all my hair inside it. I look up at Manny and smile at the comfort he brings me "hey Manny, I suppose you saw my run-in with Jack Frost" I know he did "of course I did" he responded?! "you're powers are developing well" he compliments "but you lack control" well that sucks balls.

I sigh "I know" he chuckles slightly "you not only weakened Jack, but you also caused him to forget what his objective was" my ears perk up "what was his objective?" I ask curiously "to bring snow to New York"

Well shit...

I can feel that Manny has shut his connection so I sigh and create three butterflies out of ice "you believe in me, right?" they flutter around with the other two "of course you do, I made you" I laugh humourlessly as it starts to rain.

"What did you make?" I hear Jack's voice. THAT BOY!!! "I make a very good black eye" I say, removing the butterflies along with the glow coming from my hands "so I suggest you leave before I practice on you" I grumble as he climbs up the tree but I swoop off and dive so that my front brushes the grass as I fly.

I don't even try to go very quickly because I know he's just catch my so I go at what I call 'cruising speed'.

I brush my hand along the pond and it immediately starts to freeze and when its done I start to skate across it with my hands behind my back with humming 'Never too late' by Three Days Grace.

"we need to talk" Jack says from behind me. Um... how 'bout no? "and why would I do that, Jack?" I muse before I fly into the sky and float around creating snowflakes and blowing them around gently to amuse myself.

I turn around and I'm met with a guilty looking Jack "I didn't want to do this" is the last thing I hear before I'm thrown into a sack and knocked out.


Hope you like chapter 4! =^-^=

Stay beautiful <3



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