Chapter 8

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Faith POV
I still don't know how I'm going to reject him yet. The more he touches me, the more I feel the tingles. It feels like I'm about to burst into fireworks. He is nothing more than a player who deserves to be played but yet I don't want him to get hurt. I think its the bond that's talking. I can still feel his breath on my ear. His hands are still wrapped around my waist when everyone comes up to us saying stuff like "Y'all a cute couple!" "Y'all look good together!" "Man I wish my guy/gal and I looked just as good as y'all do together!" "How long have y'all been dating?" "Is she the reason why you came out here?" He had the nerve to tell them we'd been dating for bout a year. I was bout ready to blow his head off if it wasn't for Nessy pulling me a way from the scene. Why did it have to be me mated to him? Why can't some other girl be his mate? Just thinking bout another girl being his mate makes me want to kill every girl in sight.

"Fay you need to calm down before you attack someone or worse change in front of those who don't know we exist." Ness was calmly saying to me but getting agitated the more that I kept ignoring her. "Will you fucking listen to me when I'm talking to you!"
I turned to look at her a little surprised. Considering the fact that she yelled at me because she like never yells at any one well except me.
"Did you just yell at me?"
"Wow, that's like the third time this week."
"Ya, I know. You normally listen to me when I say something but this week you haven't."
"I know. I'm sorry. It's just that my mind isn't here this week."
"Well why not?"
"The day my mom died is this week."
"Oh Fay.." She starts to say but I cut her off. "It's fine. Its been years I can cope with it."
"I bet you can but not with every thing that is going on this week."
"Your right but I gotta get through this on my own."
"No your not. Your gonna let me help you or I swear to god I will have Zane help you."
"You know your impossible right?"
"Of course I am. That's why you love me."
"Pah!! Your on crack."
"Ya a pack of crackers." Which she is currently eating considering they appeared out of nowhere.
"Okay seriously where did those come from?"
"Back pocket."
"Only you would have crackers in your pocket." She always has this craving for crackers. She seriously can't go anywheres without them.
"Well duh! No one is ever like me."
"Yes you are only an original."
"Shh don't tell no one."
"Now why would I do that?"
"Cuz thats you." Ness always has this way of calming me down without me even knowing it. That's why she is my best friend. I would be lost without her.
"And this is why we are friends."
"Cuz I'm and original?"
"No dummy. Cuz you have a way of calming me down without me even realizing it half the time. I honestly don't know where I would be without you."
"Well for starters probably in a laboratory being tested on."
"Ugh I need some girl time."
"You always do." Ness says sticking her tongue out at me.
"I guess we better get back to everyone before they start a search party."
"That would be Dex and Xan."
"Oh god remember last when we snuck out and left for 3 days straight?"
"Haha yes! The best three days ever. Oh and the third day was the best."
"Haha ya when they got back we were just sitting at the table eating food like nothing happened. Good times. Good times."

When we get back to everyone they are all just sitting around not even realizing that we came back. Wait I was wrong Ryker and Zane realized. No surprise there. Considering Zane notices my every move and Ryker well... he likes Nessy.
"There you are. I've been looking for you since Nessy dragged you away."
"Well we needed to talk and well what I do doesn't concern you."
"I try and be nice but all you do is be rude. What have I ever done for you to be a bitch to me?"
Okay wow he did not just call me a bitch. That is exactly why I don't like him but the other. Well I got my reasons. "Did you just call me a bitch?" I said loud and clear but very calmly. Everyone turned and looked at us. Luckily all the humans left already or there would be some consequences. I pounce at him transforming into my wolf. He doesn't even have time to react before I did. After a few struggles of me going at his throat and him blocking he finally gets a grip and pushes me off him. I ignore the tingles that shoot up from where he pushes me. He attacks me pushing me to the ground growling at me to submit to him. Of course I won't even though my wolf is howling at me to. I have never submitted to anyone before but I am slowly losing control. Until finally I have no other choice to. I turn my head to the side submitting to him. He growls in triumph while I just pass out from exhaustion. Not just from the fight but from all the fighting this week.

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