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As the bus pulled up to the school, and all the students piled out, but Luke waited for everyone to leave until he finally got up and waited for me to get out of the seat. I stood and glared at him. "Glare too hard and your angel wings will fall off, princess" he said, smirking. I scowled and walked off the bus, just to be followed by Luke. "You don't know where anything is," he said. Oh no, "I can show you around if you want," he said, wearing no expression. I hesitated. "Okay...." I said, unsure. He waved me over and started walking, showing me around until he reached the office. We walked inside and greeted the principle, who was an angel like me, and she gave me my schedule. Luke looked over my schedule as he compared mine with his. I looked at both of our schedules and sighed. We have every class together but science.

Black/// Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now