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Draco took his healer jacket off and put a fancy jacket on. It was a maroon-like color with a matching tie and pants, but his shirt was a darker blue color. He put his tie on and looked at himself.

He turned to one of his house elves. "How do I look?" He asked him. 

"Quite nice compared to an average day." The elf said to him. 

"Meaning?" He asked offended. 

"Meaning you usually wear the same thing every day." Another elf said. 

"I have to wear that to the hospital. I can't wear anything else." He said to her.

Astoria put her earrings in and fluffed her hair in the back. She had curled her hair and wore a slim black dress going down to her knees. Her lips were naturally a pink color. She put lip gloss on them as she usually did and looked in the mirror.

"You've been waiting since you were nine, this will be fun," Astoria said. She pursed her lips and suddenly saw a head on the fireplace. 

"Daphne?" She asked I'm surprised. 

"What's this? I've never seen you like this." Daphne said.

"Well, I'm getting ready for a date... with Draco Malfoy." She said warily. 

"What?" She said in shock. 

"Yeah. Um, I don't really wanna talk about it right now. Maybe afterward I'll talk to Heather, Samantha, and Brandi. People who don't know him. Especially not as kids." Daphne smiled at her sister.

Draco had picked a nice spot. It was dark outside, but there were a small patio and a fancy table for one outside in the night. There was a white gazebo around them and small vines. There was a smooth stone party leading up to the white stairs, and where the path began, there was a gray circle for people to slow dance in. They had instruments playing music, and it was common for couples to dance there together.

Once they were there, Astoria and Draco had sat down. They drank their champagne and laughed together. She loved being around him, and they looked like they really did love each other, hence, they really did love each other.

"A healer does seem like a hard job," Astoria said taking a sip. Draco took a drink and nodded. 

"Some days are... odd rather. Some aren't. Some days I feel like a hero. And others not." He said. 

"Hero?" She said grinning at him.

"To some. Some days when I deliver wizards people would call me their hero. And I save lives. I would say I can be a hero. But to some, I wouldn't say so." He said.

"I would call a healer a hero. I really would if they found something to cure my disorder." She said to him. 

"Disorder?" He said taking a drink. 

"I have a rare magical blood disorder. Thus my life won't be too long. The disorder makes me not be able to do things most can. I can, but I shouldn't have children. I wish I could."

"Someday we may find something." He said to her winking. She smiled a warming smile at him.

They spent hours together, laughing and having nice moments. The night ended and he took her home. "I had a nice time. I really did. And I hope we can see each other again." She said smiling. 

"Me too. Are you free next Saturday?" He asked smiling.

She smiled back and nodded. "I will definitely clear whatever I have." She smiled. "Yes. I will gladly have another date with you." She said smiling. He smiled back. 

"See you soon then." He said smiling. 


A few months had passed and they were now on their 8th date, and Draco brought her to the same place as their first date.

They walked together on the stone path and he looked at her. "Same place?" She asked kindly. 

"Same place for certain reasons." He said to her. "I feel it's time to say it since I should." He smiled. Astoria was smiling and her eyes went to the ground, then back up.

"I love you." He said. Astoria's heart skipped at least 7 seven beats. She had always wanted to hear those words from him. She always wanted to heart the words out if his mouth, but she never had until that moment.

'I love you' was replaying in her head in constant moment.

"I love you too." She said back, only seconds later. Before he realized it, he heard the words he wanted to hear since he met her.

Before he realized what he was doing, his hand was on her cheek and hers on his. He leaned his head down, and he kissed her. This was Astoria's first boyfriend she ever had, and it was with the man she always wanted to be the first.

He knew from that very moment, he loved her much more than he ever thought he was able to love a person. He never knew he could love someone the way he loved her.

They broke apart and he looked into her eyes. "I can't tell you how long I've been wanting to kiss you." He said, his hand on her cheek still. 

"Me too." She said, her voice faint and soft. 

"Really?" He asked her. 

"Yeah. Really."

They went home to his house, and they knew exactly why he brought her there. "Draco," she began. "Are we...?" She started. 

"I think so." He replied to her.

Hours had passed. She lay back down and looked at him. "Well, that just happened." She said. She turned her head to him. 

"Yeah, that did." He said looking at her. 

"Your first time too?" She asked turning to him. He nodded at her. "Again?" She asked him. He nodded. 


He woke up the next morning with her laying next to him. He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes. Without waking her up, got dressed and got into his healer jacket.

He lightly woke her up and smiled. "Hey, Astoria, hey, wake up." He lightly whispered to her and smiled. "I have to get to work, alright?" She rubbed her eyes. "You can stay as long as you want." He said smiling. 

"OK." She smiled.

She left his home shortly after he did, smiling widely.

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