Chapter 6

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Normani blinked awake slowly, her head resting against Ally's chest. The bright blue glow behind her window letting her know it was probably too early to be awake even if she hasn't checked the time yet.

She felt Ally stretch underneath her and almost followed to do the same. However, her eyes caught sight of a patch of brown fur not too far away and as she stared at Olly teetering on the side of the bed, she quickly remembered the night before.

Val's call, crying, Ally, Olly, the sippy cup, the pacifier.

She shut her eyes as Ally maneuver from under her and focused on keeping her breathing as even as possible. She felt a bit ridiculous pretending to be asleep when she was far from it but she was in no way ready to face Ally after how she broke down last night.

Normani heard Ally stand followed by the soft clinking of the sippy cup and bottle as she collected them. She felt Ally's hand rest a soft furry body gently so it would be nuzzled under her chin. She cuddled into him, unthinkingly, but froze mid action. Ally gasped softly.

"You are so cute, oh my gosh," she cooed, in a voice most people saved for children and puppies. She had to remind herself she was supposed to be sleeping to stop from reacting to the embarrassment she felt.

She's heard Ally do this exact thing to Lauren while she napped when she thought no one was listening, so shes pretty sure Ally doesn't think she's awake.

It was endearing to listen to her tell Lauren how much she loved her or how adorable she thought she was while Lauren was cuddled into her fast asleep and oblivious.

That didn't make it not embarrassing now that Ally was doing it to her, though.

She heard Ally kiss her teeth next.

"Our little or not, someone should really get you a clip for these," she said aloud to the room.

Our little.

Their little.

Normani thought of what it would be like to be Ally and Dinah's the way Lauren is. The way she sort of was last night.

Last night had been... nice. She was willing to admit that much.

Yet, she couldn't shake the thought that these are her friends and she shouldn't want this with them.

They're twenty-somethings at the start of their careers. They should go out and get drunk and fuck strangers and do things they regret now and look back on and laugh at later. Not stay at home watching Disney movies in pillow forts and diapers.

Though there was one time little Lauren convinced her and Dinah to turn the whole living room into a fort made of all the blankets, pillows and couch cushions in the apartment, while Ally was out of town. They'd stayed in it all weekend, only resurfacing for food and bathroom breaks. They'd also hauled ass to put the apartment back together before Ally got home, and to this day Ally still didn't know what they'd gotten up to that weekend.

Okay, so maybe the pillow fort part wasn't actually that bad.

The feel of Ally's lips pressing gently against her forehead nearly startled her out of her thoughts enough to give herself away. She tried not to think too far into the contact as she listened to Ally leave. They're friends. Friends do that kind of thing.

Normani listened to the soft thud of the door closing, and when she was sure Ally wouldn't return she sighed and rolled onto her back. She found her phone charging beside her bed absolutely nowhere close to where she'd left it. Ally must have put it there sometime during the night. Or Dinah.

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