Chapter 9

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Normani wasn't sure how long it had been since she came in here. There wasn't a clock to track the time and her phone must still be in the living room because she doesn't have it on her.

Somehow it managed to feel like torturous hours and merely seconds all at once.

She does know, however, that at some point Dinah stopped banging on the door, though Normani knew she was still out there waiting. The sound of her calling through the wood that was far too thin for her comfort every few minutes never let her forget it.

Normani squeezed her eyes shut harder when Dinah did exactly that, again.

She could feel the tightness in her chest she's become familiar with the past few weeks building. Her skin felt too tight and if she had to stand she wouldn't trust her feet to hold her up. It was the same way she felt the night before she got fucked up with Kehlani, and the night Val called and Ally came into her room.

She felt so fucking small it was almost unbearable. She was pretty sure, by this feeling alone, that if she opened her eyes the rest of the apartment would have grown twice its size like she had eaten something in Wonderland.

Everything felt too big and unavoidable and hard and really she just wanted a hug.

She could feel that little part of her pulling at her to give in. Like Dinah, on the other side of the door, her headspace was so close and so far just waiting for her to do what it wanted.

And she really really wanted to. If there was ever a time to regress from stress this would be the time.

There was nothing about this situation that didn't stress her out. In the best case scenario Ally comes home early. She would be saved from Dinah but then she would have to endure Ally yelling at her instead and she knows she can't handle that. She feels too exposed and raw and disappointing Ally was something so hard to do that she can already feel the shame building in her chest. The thought alone of hearing Ally voice her disappointment forces a near silent whimper from her throat.

Worst case scenario...

She peeked an eye open to glance at the door. The tall angry blonde stood brooding behind it in her imagination glaring back at her. She closed her eye again.

She didn't want to think of the worst case scenario.

Which is why she took a deep breath and held it in, using it to center herself as best she could. She can't let herself be little. She knows she'll open the door if she does, and she rather likes being able to sit in one spot, thank you.

So here she is. Sitting in a sink. Camped in her apartment bathroom. Hiding from her best friends.

The doorknob jiggled again and Normani shut her already closed eyes even tighter waiting for Dinah to call out again.

"Mani, it's me. Can you open the door please?" a very different voice asked. Her eyes shot open and she sat up to stare the door head on. She honestly didn't want to believe she heard what, or rather, who she thinks she heard. "I know you're feeling a lot but I really need you to open the door."

There was no denying it, Lauren really was trying to get her to open the door now.

"I--" Normani started but paused. This has to be a trap, Lauren hates her. She has to after what she said. Normani shook her head, "No, I can't,"


"I-I can't" Normani forced out with another shake of her head only her reflection could see, "Dinah-she's-"

"If you open I'll just be us. Dinah and will go sit in the living room and wait," Lauren said, pleadingly.

"Like hell I am," she could make out slightly further away.

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