Chapter 8

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Normani and Dinah froze.

In the front hall, Lauren stood, staring at them both, her bag dangling hazardously from her hand. Frozen midway through getting her shoe off, she watched Normani and Dinah as they watched her back in silence, no one quite knowing what to say.

The sound of Lauren's bag finally slipping and colliding with the hardwood snapped them all from their daze.

"Lauren, I-" Normani started.

"If you really felt that way about me, you could have just told me to stop being little around you," Lauren interrupted, not quite meeting Normani's eye. Normani shook her head and approached, her mouth opening and closing uselessly. She made quick work of the distance between them and reaching for Lauren's hand.

"It's not like that, Lauren, you have to believe me," Normani's brain finally decided on as she gave the other girls hand a desperate squeeze.

Lauren looked at her, nodding slowly though it was clear she didn't. She gave a weak smile and squeezed Normani's hand back before slipping hers out of the grasp.

"I think," she said stopping herself when her voice cracked. She pointed weakly down the hall, "I'll be in my room."

"You sure baby?" Dinah asked, reminding Normani she was there. She glanced back at her and, Dinah, noticing the movement turned to shoot her one of the deadliest glares she'd ever had the displeasure of being on the end of.

"Yeah I think I just need a moment," Lauren said. Dinah's gaze instantly softened as she turned back to Lauren and she nodded as Lauren quickly made her exit.

At the sound of Lauren's door closing, Normani felt the hot air she'd been running on escape her like a balloon.

She glanced at the blonde beside her, still silently glaring at her and winced. She'd woken Dinah's Mama Bear, there was no doubt about it, and it was out for her blood.

Who could blame her? If anyone else had made Lauren feel the way she just did, she'd be livid.

She glanced at the recently closed bedroom door, before shaking her head, "I don't want to do this."

"Normani," Dinah gritted out in warning.

"No, I'm done Dinah," she said backing away toward her bedroom. She was going to get her stuff and camp out in front of Kehlani's for the next month if it meant never seeing that look on Lauren's face again.

"Normani, you can't just ignore this. It might work with all your other problems, but this isn't just going to go away," Dinah said, more anger in her voice than before.

She continued to walk down the hall, choosing not to respond.

"Normani Kordei Hamilton, get back in this living room now," Dinah said. Normani paused.

She turned around slowly.

"Really?" she asked, "Are you really pulling the 'get back here young lady' card, after everything?"

Dinah looked as though, yes that's exactly what she planned to do.

"I'm giving you until I count of one to come here and finish this conversation. Five."

Normani stared in disbelief. "You're kidding me, right?"

"Four," Dinah said, raising her eyebrow in lieu of a response.

Apparently not.

"You can't just treat me like a child because I like being little," incredulously. She crossed her arms and her hip cocked on its own. There was no way Dinah's could be


She stood her ground, challenging the blonde's lethal stare.


Normani felt her nerves silently begin to act up. Maybe Dinah was serious. Maybe standing here wasn't calling her bluff, just sealing her coffin.

"Wait!" Normani said when she saw Dinah go to say the last number. Dinah looked at her an eyebrow cocked. Normani shifted nervously, "What happens when you reach one?"

"What do you think happens?" Dinah asked. Normani didn't answer and Dinah didn't elaborate.

She looked behind Dinah at the front door.

"One and a half," Dinah continued when Normani made no move to do as she'd instructed.

She could probably outrun her but then what? She avoids her own apartment and her best friends forever? Move out? Over this, of all reasons?

She looked behind her at her own bedroom, which of course didn't have a lock on it and wouldn't stop Dinah from doing... whatever she planned on doing.

Dinah's only used the counting trick on Lauren a handful of times and it always worked before she could make good on her threat. Getting to one wasn't something she's witnessed before so she really wasn't sure.

Although, if she had to guess, Lauren would probably have earned a creative combination of punishments for that level of disobedience. Yet, Dinah couldn't make her write lines or stand in timeout.

She could probably spank you. She's bigger and stronger than you, it wouldn't be hard. Normani thought over the words the little cartoon devil she usually despised, said. Dinah wouldn't though.

Would she?

Normani glanced at Dinah and the level of anger she can't remember ever seeing.

She glanced at the bedrooms behind her. Only, none of them had locks because their super was always "too busy" to help them install any. All except for the bathroom.

Was she really going to lock herself away in the bathroom because—

"One. Normani—," Dinah said as she took a step forward and, yes she really was.

"Normani," she heard Dinah say though the bathroom door. The doorknob jiggled. "Really Mani? Open the door."

"No," she said shaking her head.

"Normani! Unlock the door," Dinah shouted as she banged on the door. The door rattled against the frame and Normani waited for the moment it would come undone, only it never came

Normani pulled herself up to sit on the vanity top, the sounds of Dinah shouting at her still filling the air. She let her head falling back against the mirror.

Well shit.


This update is super short and sloppy but so is my dick game so whatever

There's maybe two or three more chapters of "drama" before we settle into fluffy bonding little's stuff. Anything you guys wanna see? I have some moments planned but I'm pretty open to ideas (meaning I will 97% probably do it bc I'm unoriginal as ffffffffffck)

As always you should let me know hear your thoughts on this chapter. You don't have to, of course, but it'd be pretty cool of you if you did.

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