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You find the office the boy had referred to with ease. Even when you arrive, however, your heart is still beating rapidly, and you don't fully understand why. He must have effectively disconcerted you.

The office he had mentioned is the snazzy reception room you had waited in with the other girls before your guidance counselor (i.e., your guide) had come to start the mini tour. It's quiet in the lobby, and you sit at one of many leather couches and patiently wait for the group to return ... whenever that is.

It happens sooner than you had anticipated. You hear the sounds of conversation clearly before you see the girls enter the room. The guide spots you immediately and cocks her head curiously at you as the other girls stare. and you fidget uncomfortably as you stand up, straightening the skirt of your uniform.

"Did you get lost?" She asks you, a tight smile on her face.

"Uh ... yes. I'm sorry," you reply guiltily. She shrugs and goes to the reception desk, where she picks up a stack of folders waiting for her. Each girl's name is printed on the front, and she hands a folder to the specified girl. You receive yours and open it, staring at the papers.

"This is your schedule, a map, as well as any answers to questions you might have concerning our system. It also lists your dorm room, and other needed information you will need. If you could take this," she says, making sure all eyes are on her, "... and go to the auditorium - its on the map," she adds as everyone flips through their papers, searching for the campus map, " ... for the orientation. After that, free time until lights out at ten. It's nice meeting you guys, and I hope you enjoy your stay here," she ends formally, shaking each girl's hand in turn. She comes to you and grips your hand firmly, looking at you with a steely gaze. Finally, she lets go, and all the girls disperse in the same general direction.

You look down at the map in your hands, trying to comprehend the thick black lines that form an aerial image of the boarding school. You finally see the auditorium, which is represented by a large, jagged circle, and follow the girls who have discovered its location before you did.

You're outside, and while the landscape is gorgeous, you can't focus on that right now. Your mind goes back to the boy who had boldly neared you with those steady eyes ... those impossible eyes. And that smirk. You can't get it out of your head.

You wonder if you'll see him again.

----- Next Day -----

You adjust the tie of your uniform and inspect your blazer for wrinkles. You smile at your reflection on the mirror and sigh. Will this be a good first day? You hope so. You've heard how strict this school is. You hope that, despite the up-tightness, you'll be able to have fun.

You're lucky to have a room to yourself. It turns out that most girls get a roommate, but since you had been one of the last that enlisted, you had conveniently gotten one of the better rooms to yourself. Not that you're about to complain, though. This way, you can use the room how you want without being judged.

You grab your book bag and folder before heading out of your room. Walking across the hallway amongst other girls who have also primmed themselves up for the day, you follow them into the elevator.

They all seem to know where they are going, so you let yourself be guided by the current of people as you step outside. The class building is nearby, and you step inside it with them.

Spotless, gleaming white floors greet you as fluorescent lights dot the ceiling. Spacious hallways stretch out into four sections, with shiny black lockers decorating either side. Boys and girls, in their crisp dark blue uniforms, navigate the school building with their identical folders and school bags in hand. An aura of excitement fills the air as the students chat in hushed tones, talking as if the act of speaking is prohibited. You open your folder to look at the schedule and map, and head for direction where you think your first class is.

You reach the second floor after climbing some stairs and walk down these similar hallways. The students here look older, and they talk in far more normal volumes. They are probably not transfer students like you and your dorm mates are.

You scan the labels on the classrooms, searching for the room number that specifies your class. There is one room, however, with a cluster of whispering girls in front of it, and you can't spot the sign because of their obstruction. You try to peek around their heads, but they are all too engrossed in each other that they don't notice your futile attempts to identify the room.

You can't help but hear snippets of their conversation. You can guess, right away, that they are fawning over a specific student that is obviously held in infamous reverence. The girls speak to another with slightly blushed cheeks as they compare each others' schedules, frowning when they don't find what they're looking for. Getting slightly annoyed, you speak up and say, "Excuse me."

The girls look up and move away just enough for you to see the room number. You smile, satisfied to have found the first class you'll be attending for the day. You're about to step inside when one of the girl's reach out and grab your arm, surprising you with the intensity in her eyes. "Are you going in?" She asks you, her voice flat.

"Uh ... yeah," you reply, a tad bit frightened and confused at her actions. The girls huddle around you, and you feel your heart quicken in an unpleasant way.

"You have this class?" She asks you, her eyes wide. "How do you ... wait, you guys don't have this class, right?" She asks her companions, and her friends all shake their heads. She turns back to you, her brows furrowed. "But you're new. We've been here for two years, and we never got a class with him." She throws her hands up in the air dramatically. "I swear, this place is rigged. They just hate us being with him."

"With who?" You ask politely.

"With Kai. The school faculty knows how much we like him, so they never let us in the same class as he."

You cock your head. "Who's Kai?"

"Only the hottest boy in school," she squeals. The girls nod in agreement emphatically. "He's ... well, he's the son of the dude who owns only, like, the largest hospital in the city. The old dude has big bucks. And they live in a freaking mansion. Can you believe that? It's crazy. But Kai is a total delinquent."

"Yeah, he hardly ever shows up for school," a girl pipes up. "And he gets the worst grades."

"But he does just well enough not to flunk," the first girl adds. "And plus, his dad is one of the big donators for this school, so they can't really kick him out. It's nasty business."

That's all interesting, but ... you have a class to attend. The background of this particular stranger named Kai doesn't interest you at the moment. You walk forward, trying to get inside, but the girl, who obviously holds a significant amount of power over her friends, stops you yet again.

"You're lucky," she whispers. "You get a class with him."

Before you can think up of a reply, the warning bell rings, and the girls disperse to their separate ways. You watch them disappear around a corner before you sigh, face the classroom, and step inside.

A female teacher is already there, sitting behind her desk with a pair of brown-framed glasses perching on the bridge of her nose. You choose a seat in the middle and settle in as various other students file into the classroom. Most of them choose a seat near the back, and by the time the final bell rings, all chairs are filled except for one directly in front of the teacher's desk. The teacher scans the faces of each of her students and marks her paper, obviously checking attendance. She slowly gets up, a small frown on her face. "I guess this is everybody," she says, sounding a little disappointed. As if to contradict her, the door is flung open, and a boy with an unbuttoned blazer and unruly hair enters the classroom with a cool demeanor. The teacher raises her brows at this boy, and comments dryly, "I didn't think you'd come in, Kai."

His eyes scan the classroom slowly until they land on you. It's the boy from yesterday, you realize, the one you had met who had boldly advanced on you with such subdued actions. With his eyes still on you, he smirks slightly and replies to the teacher, "I didn't think I would, either."

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