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"That doesn't make any sense," you burst out, surprising even yourself for having said something seemingly so out of character.

Kai narrows his eyes. "What?" He asks, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I mean," you stutter, getting up and straightening your uniform, "I'm just going to, uh, go now ... " You rush forward, ready to exit the room, but pause right in front of the door. You half turn to see whether Kai will stop you, but he's still sitting there in that position, staring at the floor with his hair shading his eyes. You sigh, look away, and leave him alone.

What were you thinking? Did you actually think you could reach him, somehow? How naive are you? Shaking your head at your obvious stupidity, you walk down the hallway and head outside ... but not before you turn back to take note of the room number.



"Hyunsoo," you say as you observe Kai from across the cafeteria.

"Hm?" She asks you through a mouthful of food. She hurriedly swallows it and, after wiping her mouth, asks, "What?"

"Is ... Kai popular?"

"Isn't that obvious?" She responds and digs into her food again.

"No, I mean, if he's popular ... why doesn't he look like he is?"

Hyunsoo turns to see what you're looking at. From three tables over sits Kai, in his loosened tie and awry blazer. He's sitting alone at a table, calmly eating his food as he surveys his surroundings with blank eyes. He doesn't look lonely as much as he looks sad.

"Wait, why is he even here?" Hyunsoo asks, glaring at Kai. "He should be out eating at a restaurant right now or something." She shrugs and turns back to her food. "Whatever. So anyway, as I was saying, I tho - "

"Why don't we invite him?" You muse out loud. She doesn't reply right away, so you turn to look at her, only to be faced by her shocked expression. "What?"

"You don't just invite someone like him to lunch," she states. "Not that guy. Not him. Do you even ... oh my gosh, do you have any idea? What you're asking?"

Actually, you do. And you're completely aware that your reputation could be besmirched. But why does Kai, who never eats lunch in the cafeteria, have to sit alone? If he's so popular, why doesn't anybody sit with him? Sure, he's practically a delinquent. But he's also the son of a very important donator. You'd think people would sit with him, if only so they can reap the benefits of being his friend. Although considering Kai's personality, there might not be any benefits worth anyone's eagerness.

"Let's go ask him," you say, standing up.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Hyunsoo asks, staring at you as you take a step forward. You smile over your shoulder before stepping away.

"Be right back," you call, and make the trek across the cafeteria. You can feel every eye watch you as you walk forward, and with all this public reaction being focused on you, you start to lose your nerve. You push forward, trying to ignore the suspicious gazes that follow you as you stop right in front of Kai, your shadow hanging over his figure. He doesn't react to your presence, although you know that he's aware you're there. Making a face, you speak up and say, "Um, hey, Kai."

He doesn't reply. He continues to eat his food, not saying a word. You clear your throat and try again. If you back out now, it would be extremely humiliating to return to your table without accompaniment. "Do you ... want to sit with us?"

For a moment, you think he'll say no. You really do. Kai just doesn't seem like a very social person. But he surprises you, once again. He makes you think he's predictable, and then does something you couldn't even begin to comprehend. He stands up, his tray in his hands, and brushes past you.

You almost don't register what he's done until he's reached your table and plopped his tray down. Hyunsoo gapes at Kai, who has continued to eat. Her friends stare, at you, and at Kai, unable to understand how you've managed to get him to sit here.

Actually, you're not really sure how you did it, either.

The whispers in the cafeteria heighten as you sit down next to him. Kai doesn't attempt to make conversation, and you can't help but be successful about the fact that perhaps you've been able to reach him, somehow. This is something you had wanted to do in the beginning. Before you can say anything, however, the girls start tackling him with questions, one right after the other. Kai just watches them with those dark, bored eyes as they talk, and talk, and talk. You want to say something, to ask them to calm down, but they seem too excited to have Kai at their table. Even Hyunsoo is talking a mile per minute, and while you try to plead with her by giving her sneaking glances, she doesn't take note of them. Finally, just when you think Kai is going to burst, he actually does.

He slams his fist on the table, and the whole cafeteria - not just the girls at your table - quiets down. Everybody stares at Kai as he sits there, staring at his fist, before he gets up and strides out of the room. It's so quiet; you can even hear the sound of Hyunsoo breathing. Kai slams the door on the way out, and everyone awkwardly stays in their seat, unsure of what to do.

Hyunsoo purses her lips. "Okay, Kai is a great guy, I guess, but sometimes he's just too - "

"One sec," you say, and briskly rush out of the room. You hear Hyunsoo call your name, but you pay no heed to her pleas as you leave the cafeteria and pull open the door.

You look left and right down the hallway, and finally spot Kai just before he turns a corner. You rush forward, wanting to find him, and jog toward his figure as he walks, so carefree, away from the bustle of the cafeteria.

"Kai!" you call. He stops, and you're given time to approach him. You pause a few feet away from him to catch your breath before you say, "Kai, what was th - "

"Who do you think you are?" He asks, whirling around. His eyes are blazing with contempt. It scares you, and you take an involuntary step back.

"What?" You gasp.

"You think you can just ... ?" He runs a frustrated hand through his hair and throws a fist at the wall, making you jump. He stands there for a moment, his shoulders rising with each large breath he takes before he mumbles, "I hate it there." He looks away and stares at the wall, at the spot he had hit. "That cafeteria. I hate it. Why do you think I never eat there? Why do you think I always eat out?" He steps forward, his demeanor completely wild. "I hate it. When people talk like that. When people just ... look, stop trying to talk to me, okay?" He asks you, searching your eyes for agreement. "Just stop. I'll talk to you if I want to. Okay? Just ... get lost." He turns and starts walking away, holding his hand to his chest. You catch a glimpse of it before he hides it in the grip of his other hand - there's a gash on the side of his palm. You clench your jaw as you try to cast aside the pain with which your heart is beginning to throb. He's just insulted you, and hurt you, in a million ways. And yet, for some ridiculous reason, you still want to talk to him.

Maybe you're crazy. But he looks so vulnerable, and right now, you just ... you just want to see him smile.

It doesn't make sense that he'd get riled up over something like this. There's definitely something else going on. As for what that something is, you're not sure, but you hope that he'll let you know. One day. Maybe that's too much to hope for at this moment. But one day. You'll wait. You can wait for him to tell you.

"Kai," you say, clearly and concisely. He's still walking away, but you know he's listening. He has no choice but to do so. "Kai ... I'm sorry," you start. "Um. I didn't know you that you don't like sitting with other people. But ... if you want to ... sit with us again ... you can do that anytime, okay?" You watch him as he walks away, his head hanging, his feet dragging forward. There's definitely something going on that's caused his fuse to snap, and he might never tell you, but you hope that, at least, for a little bit, you can be of help. You recall the cut on his hand and hesitantly say, "Kai ... don't get hurt anymore."

It sounds empty as soon as you say it, not because of its insincerity, but because it feels forced. Maybe it's a white lie. Are you asking him this because you're concerned for his welfare, or do you simply want to assure yourself that you've managed to earn his trust? You regret saying the words, all of a sudden. You regret it, because you think he'll laugh, or ignore you completely.

But Kai doesn't do any of that. He pauses just long enough to look back at you, and in those few seconds he gives you a ghost of a smile and a subtle nod before he turns around and walks away.

Badboy (Exo Kai)Where stories live. Discover now