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Kai doesn't bother you for the next week. You're not sure if you're thankful or upset. You don't appreciate those hurtful, rude words he says to you, but you still wish he'd talk to you. Because it'd be nice, really. To talk to him properly for once, without his using such sharp diction.

And normally, you'd be okay with not talking to him. But it's really hard to convince yourself that when he's next to you in every single class, calmly sitting there with that slight smirk on his face and his gorgeous, fluffy hair.

Really. Why does he have to make things so difficult?

You start to make friends with Hyunsoo and her group. In the beginning, you had thought she was one of those incessantly obnoxious girls obsessed with their crushes, but she's not. She likes Kai, she thinks he's attractive, but she has a quiet understanding with him. This quiet understanding being, he'll give her things he doesn't need, she'll sell it, and she'll get money out of it.

Their relationship is actually pretty odd, if you think about it. You find it hard to believe that Hyunsoo hasn't accommodated genuine feelings toward Kai since their 'business ordeal' has begun. You've questioned her about it, and she always denies it outrightly. You don't know her well enough yet to gauge whether she's lying, or simply telling the truth.

You realize that Kai doesn't show up for lunch. You've never noticed this, not until Hyunsoo tells you, to the tiniest detail, the little things she notices about Kai (which only contradicts her claim of not liking Kai, but you'll let it pass this once). Apparently, Kai never eats in the cafeteria. He always drives to some fancy restaurant with food nobody can afford.

"He leaves?" You ask Hyunsoo. "Just like that."

"Just like that," she repeats, nodding her head as she takes a bite of her sandwich.

"Is that even allowed?" You question her. She shrugs.

"He's Kai. I don't think it matters."

The fact that Kai can get away with so many things, and that the teachers do little to enforce the school rules is actually pretty irritating. You suppose it makes sense that he can do such things without getting in trouble, since his father is, after all, one of the largest donators to this school. But if the school faculty is going to be biased here, then their claims of this place being the best school in the country shouldn't be upholded.

"Hyunsoo," you say.

"Hm?" She asks, staring at a piece of tomato sticking out from her sandwich.

"Does Kai ... " you trail off, looking for the right words that won't cast any suspicion on you. "... does he attend any school clubs?"

She stops chewing. "I don't think so. Why?"

"Oh. Just asking."

If he doesn't attend clubs, and your meeting him in that unfamiliar room a week ago is to be kept a secret, then what's the motive? Why doesn't he want you telling people that you had been there? Is it because he doesn't want to be associated with you? Or is there something else, something about catching him in that room, that will incriminate him?

After school, you intend to find out.

When the bell for the last period rings, you hurriedly pack your bags and take out your map. (Sad that you still need it, but this school's layout is more intricate than you had thought). You search for the office in the map, the office you had been in at the end of the tour. You find it and hurriedly navigate through the school, making sure to look casual as you purposefully stride down the hallways.

You find the office eventually. You spin around the empty room, nodding at the receptionist and trying to remember which route you had taken that day approximately one week ago. Was it here? Had you turned left here?

Well, there's only one way to find out.

You decide to trust your intuition and turn left. It feels somewhat familiar, but you can't quite assure yourself of that fact yet. You're relying on your memory, and since your memory is hazy, you can't depend on yourself too much.

You turn right. It doesn't help that all the hallways look exactly the same. You carefully step forward, eyeing each closed door. Should you even be here? Well, the guide had said that this is the place where some club activities take place, right? And somehow, you had wondered into a hallway that she hadn't brought you and your companions.

You stop in front of a door, identical to the ones beside it, and take a deep breath. Might as well take the chance. Reaching your hand out, you twist the knob open and slowly push it. You hope that the hinges won't creak, and thankfully, they don't. You take one step forward, and another, carefully entering the room and trying to gauge as to whether you've arrived at the right spot.

It doesn't take long for your questions to dissipate. You see Kai immediately, and he's lying down in the middle of the dance floor. He isn't wearing his uniform but has on a sweater and jeans, with the hood pulled up over his face. He's simply lying there, looking silly, looking stupid, with his eyes closed, but you know as soon as a floorboard creaks underneath your step that he's noticed you.

"Here again?"

He knows it's you. You gulp nervously and straighten your back. He doesn't open his eyes, or sits up. He's probably aware at how absurd he looks, and yet he doesn't seem to care.

Well, you had wanted to see Kai, to find out why the secret of your meeting him here had to be kept safe, but now that you find yourself in the expected situation ... you don't know what to do. You hadn't exactly planned that far ahead.

"I'm sorry," you say, balking. "I jus - "

"You can come here if you want."

You blink. "What?"

"I said, you can come here if you want."

Here? Where's here? Does he mean beside him? Or is he simply stating that you're allowed to be present? Unsure, you tip-toe forward until you're towering right over him. He still doesn't crack a single eye open, and doesn't further elaborate on what he wants you to do. Feeling ridiculous, you bend your knees and slowly lie down next to him.

It feels so childish, being here. You probably look strange, but ... he's so close to you. And it's so quiet. And you can hear every breath he takes, and you can see from the corner of your eye the way his chest rises and falls.

"What are we doing?" You ask after a moment.

"Look at the ceiling," he says, ignoring your question. You give him a queer look before you raise your eyes to where he refers, and notice that white-green star-shaped stickers are plastered randomly across the ceiling. "You should've turned the lights off," he says, answering the question you hadn't asked. "You woulda been able to see it light up."

This confuses you. "Why didn't you just ... turn it off from the start?"

He finally opens his eyes to give you a look saying that you're the most stupid girl he knows. "Because I'm lazy," he says matter-of-factly. He turns back to the ceiling. "Anyway. Have you told anyone?"

"About what?" You ask even though you know what he's talking about.

"About meeting me here that time," he says, not bothering to specify that obvious moment.

"No," you say, realizing that this is your chance. "Why don't you want me ... to say anything?"

He sits up suddenly, and his hood falls from his head as he moves. He wraps his arms around his knees, hugging them tightly to his chest, and says, with a bland tone, "Because I wouldn't be able to do it anymore."

Do it? Do what? That doesn't make sense. Kai's not making any sense. You open your mouth to ask him, to further interrogate him, but he abruptly stands up and turns his back to you.

"If you have nothing better to do, why don't you leave?"

Badboy (Exo Kai)Where stories live. Discover now