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I was running.
Always running.
Running barefoot on
rocky dirt roads
To places unseen by my eyes
and unknown to my mind
On burning soles and
calloused toes;
Feeling the earth beneath
Pound deeper and deeper
Into my being;
The once sharp
jackhammer pains
inside my chest
By the drive to
Go farther;
Go faster;
Go harder;
To exceed the limit of
This weak body
Which I had been given.
And to never be satisfied with
Simply achieving;
To keep on evolving
until the day I finally
Cannot evolve anymore;
To keep on going
                    and going
                         and going
                              and going
Riding life's exhilirants;
Getting high off the adrenaline;
Flying past physical lines;
Even as my breaths
     Grew shorter;
My limbs
My body
       Silently screaming
In agony from my own
       Self inflicted
As I defied
The cruel rays
Of the voracious sun
That turned my paths into flames
It's sights set on my fresh,
sinful yet heavenly flesh;
Blackening my skin;
Hardening my resolve;
And purifying my innocence
Preserving my
artificial sweetness
And intoxicating spice
For just a little while longer.
Taunting the
bloodthirsty senses
Of the moon
And it's henchman
As they hunted down my
Hummingbird heart.

I was forever running.

Until the day I spied before me
The blackened gates
Of paradise.
And suddenly found myself


Arms outstretched in need
Towards a broken heaven.


Down into the ravenous flames
Of my funeral pyre,
Where my soul's silhouette
Awaited me with
Open arms.

Where I welcomed the cold embrace
Of my shadow
And we rose as one
To commit the ultimate sin.

Together we flew
Way up high
And destroyed
All the pretty dreams
And glittering wishes
I had entrusted to the angels
With my bejeweled heart
One by one
Watching as their
sparkling shattered pieces
Slipped through my bloodied fingers;
Twinkling through the sky
To fall down
onto the crowns
Of any statuesque

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