To the woman I never knew...

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"I love you."
Please don't leave me alone.
Take me with you.

"I love you."
Don't go.
Don't leave me here with them.

"I love you."
Did I really?
Or was I just throwing the words back at you
Like a reflection in the mirror?

"I love you."
Did you really love me?
Or was it all just words?
The words of a stranger...

I never really knew you.

"I love you."
I was your mini me
Your baby girl.
You said you'd do anything for me.
That you'd always be there for me.

I should've known better.

"I hate you.I never want to see you again."

I love you.
I lied.
I just didn't know it til it was all over
Too late.
I'm sorry.

"I love you..."

The last time I said those words for you
Was when I cried over you
for the last time
Alone in my bed
I sobbed the name
I never called you
Over and over
Into my pillow
Before finally going to sleep
So I could wake up to a new world
That didn't include you.

The woman I never knew.

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