Josh dun and other doodles :)

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Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you all THANK YOU for all of your sweet and encouraging comments on my last chapter

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Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you all THANK YOU for all of your sweet and encouraging comments on my last chapter. I took the advice of many of you and just kept drawing even when I didn't feel like it. Thankfully I've felt much happier lately so that has certainly helped me get some passion and patience back lol. I'll post more sketches that I drew while I was down, but for now I'll show you my "happy" drawings!

 I'll post more sketches that I drew while I was down, but for now I'll show you my "happy" drawings!

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I drew this one in a coffee shop that I love. I was with some friends who also love to doodle, so that helped me a bit to stay encouraged. I felt like my lines in this one where harsh and stiff (and just not my usual doodle quality.)

Also I made sure to take a picture of my coffee lol

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Also I made sure to take a picture of my coffee lol. It's look so Instagram worthy if I do say so myself!

Thank you for reading and voting! I'll post again soon :) vote and comment for more art!

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