Biggest lovers ive ever seen!

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Newts POV
I have my hand on her cheek. I am not her boyfriend but she lets me this close to her. Maybe when she said that she said it so I would know how she feels...agh I don't know anymore. "I have nightmares too sometimes..."I whisper. She bites her trembling lip. I bring my lips to her forehead but she doesn't pull away. She hugs me. She falls asleep in my arms that night.

Natalie's POV
I wake up in Newts arms we still have our cloths on from yesterday and a blanket is draped over our legs. I close my eyes agin not wanting to leave this moment. I hear a door creak but I'm too tired to open my eyes. I hear Thomas "Newt.....what um...." Newt shifts and gently lays me down. "She has nightmares and we ran into each other so I took her here and we just fell asleep." "Are you....?" "Ah no but I really do like her but I don't really know if...." I'm too tired I drift off again.

Newt POV
....."if she likes me back or if I'm doing this...or anything right for that matter. I'm confused on what I'm feeling...." I sit in the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands. I groan into my palms. Thomas sits beside me and puts a hand on my shoulder "I don't like getting deep very often but you need to hear this....I felt the same way with Teressa. I didn't know what I was feeling, what I was doing, all I knew was that I loved her. Don't rush into it. Get to know her. Develop a love for her. It won't take long but be the gentleman and take it slow. Take your time and enjoy falling in love with her." I look at of my best friends. I blow out a breath I didn't know I was holding "thanks man." I smile. He grins back. "But don't take too long...she's very popular with the boys..." I shove him playfully.

Natalie POV
I wake up but the boys don't seem to notice. "What is your favorite thing about her?" Thomas says to newt. Newt chuckles "We sound like two little girls talking about their crush at school we are so pathetic ..but ah my favorite thing about Natalie is the way her face lights up when she smiles. Her eyes and everything just seems to be better when she smiles." I smile...I didn't know he felt like this....Thomas laughs "My favorite thing about Teressa isssss.....her laugh." He pauses. "Yup we are definitely pathetic!" They talk about some more random things then I decide to get up. "Good morning." I say. Newt looks at me and smiles. He walks over and crouches beside the bed and pushes a hair behind my ear. Thomas watches in amusement with a smile on his face. "How you doin love?" His hand drops to mine. I look down at our almost touching hands and I lace my fingers in his. "Better for right now..." he gives a small smile. "Anytime you need to you are always welcome here." He stands up and kisses the top of my head. I blush but I try not to show it.

Newts POV
I see her try to hide her blush. "Get up whenever you feel like it or stay as long as you want I'm going to go get some breakfast." She nods and gives a small smile. Me and Thomas walk out and he laughs. "What's so bloody amusing you shank?" He laughs louder. "You are the biggest lover I've ever seen! You both are! I've never see anyone so in love with each other that fast in my life!" He laughs. I smile "I don't see what your worrying are doin better than I did and you both forgot I was even there...." he grins. I smile wider "I don't know how she does that..." Thomas looks confused. "Does what exactly?" I shake my head "I don't know...she has this way....I just immediately get lost in her eyes and I forget everything's a terrible habit."

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