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“Rest well gorgeous,
tomorrow might be
your last day”

Jungkook has been saying that same line every night for a week, and yet, for some reason he hasn't killed me yet.
Yesterday he brought me a bed, well more of a mattress, so I could sleep comfortably. I'm no longer bound to the chair like I was in the beginning, though I still feel as if he has no intentions of releasing me. The mattress was thin, and he seems cold and snappy when I try to ask questions.

I hear him calling me as he walks through the heavy door to my room.

Wait, what did I just call it?

He sits down beside me on the mattress.
“You've gotten so much paler being down here in the dark” he chuckles, but it seems more like he’s laughing to himself, not me.
“Well Kookie, it's been awhile since I've seen the sun”  I responded in a semi-snarky tone, which he seems to notice.  He raises his hand as if he's going to slap me but stops when I cower, and instead places it softly on my jawline.
“You should know better than to talk back”  he says, visibly annoyed.
“What are you going to do, kill me?” I retort. This time he slaps me, hard. Tears spill slightly over my eyelids.

He doesn't say anything for awhile before he let's out a loud laugh.

“I'm not going to kill you.
I'm going to break you”

I just stare at him in shock. This is the first time he's said he isn't going to kill me. He tells me nearly every day that he will, he taunts me with the thought, and the numerous ways he could. Some days I wish he would just get it over with, and that he’d stop messing with my head.

“Yoongi!” he snaps “Pay attention!”
I immediately snap out of my trance “I'm sorry...” I say as I turn to face him.
“That's okay, my pet. I was just saying that if I'm going to keep you I should give you a nickname since using your real name is so~ boring”

The first time he called me his pet it sent chills through my spine, but now it's become an everyday occurrence. If I'm being entirely honest, I think I'm getting used to it. It feels so sick..

“Stop zoning out!” He smacks the heel of his hand against the side of my head just above my ear, and I feel a dull pain radiate from my skull.
“It was cute at first, but now it's just getting on my nerves.”  He quickly calms himself with the last statement, and I begin to change the topic.
“What's wrong with my name?” I ask, mildly irritated, rubbing the sore spot on my head.
“It doesn't suit you. I want to call you something that suits that sweet face of yours... How about~ Suga? I like it.”

I scoff at the name.
“How about you just kill me and we call it even.”
I should have seen his response coming from a mile away,

“Where's the fun in that?”

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