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"When you were here before, I couldn't look you in the eyes." The jukebox sang, the voice distorted and echoing through the abandoned building for what had to be the eleventh time in a row.

This song was going to be on my "don't ever play this again" list, I thought to myself.

I held my breath, biting down on my lip so hard that I tasted that bitter metallic flavor. I resisted the urge to gag and my grip on Drakon tightened.

His eyes were closed, face pressed against my side as his hands gripped my jacket for dear life. His body was curled against me, making him appear smaller and defenseless. I pressed my knees against my chest, holding my breath when the shadow stepped further in the room.

All it needed to do was turn around and it would find us.

I swallowed hard and slowly moved my hand away from Drakon's mouth. He slowly opened his eyes and stared at me with confusion. I put my finger on my lips and nudged my head towards the pool table.

He seemed to understand what I was saying and stayed close to me. I leaned forward; keeping my eye on the shadow as it took another step forward, looking around the room.

We slowly crawled towards the pool table, keeping ourselves low to stay out of the shadow's line of sight. We got underneath the pool table and Drakon turned to look at me, face twisting into relief as he shifted to curl into a ball when his foot hit a beer can.

My breath was caught in my throat and my eyes widen as the shadow turned towards our direction. It didn't waste a second and charged at us. I grabbed Drakon's arm, pushing him along as we crawled out of the pool table.

I went to stand up when something caught my ankle, tearing me down. I grunted as I hit the floor hard and felt a tear in my jeans.

"Mom!" Drakon screamed as he stopped by the archway, his body trembling in fear.

I didn't have time to order him to go without me when I was torn back. I screamed as I was lifted by my ankle and stared at the shadow upside down, swaying slightly in the air.

Its terrifying smile looked like a frown until it turned its head upside down. As it moved its head, there were cracking sounds as if this thing had bones. Its eyes locked on mine as its shoulders shook as if it was laughing.

I struggled to escape and kicked at its hand with my free leg, but it only went through like kicking air. That succeeded in making the shadow laugh hysterically until something hit it from the side and it screeched. I yelled as the movement caused me to sway and I felt nauseous and dizzy.

I could feel my head hurting with all the blood rushing to my head. I ceased my struggle and cupped my head with both hands as my head pounded with a headache.

I couldn't even focus on Tristian as he randomly threw objects at the shadow, shouting to grab its attention. Drakon stood by the archway until he found something and came charging at the shadow.

I didn't see what he did, but it made the shadow roar and disappear in a curl of smoke. I was suddenly falling and thankfully landed on the pool table with an oomph. I coughed at the dust that assaulted my senses, waving a hand on my face as I rolled over to my side.

"Mom! Are you okay?" Drakon asked, leaning over the table and rubbing my shoulder.

I only nodded as my throat felt dry. Drakon grabbed my arm and pulled me up to sit. I cleared my throat and Tristian came over, throwing an empty beer bottle that shattered.

"We should find an exit before it comes back." Tristian suggested, offering his hand.

I nodded again and grabbed his hand. He helped me off the table and I almost lost my balance if it wasn't for Tristian and Drakon who quickly held me.

I put my arm around Tristian's shoulders and Drakon's as we walked towards another opening that led to some stairs. Drakon wrapped his arm around my waist, staying close as Tristian went up the stairs and pushed open a door. The heavy rainfall slapped Tristian's face and he moved away, the door banging against the wall as the wind picked up.

Drakon and I went up the stairs and I almost took off my jacket for Drakon when Tristian took off his and handed it to him. Drakon stared at the jacket and then his eyes trailed up to the masked man, his expression twisted with confusion.

"Why are you helping us? Aren't you supposed to eat us?" Drakon asked, taking a step back.

I gave him a nudge to not be rude, but Drakon ignored me as Tristian lowered his arm.

"I don't eat people."

"Then what do you eat?"

"Fruits. Vegetables. Edible plants."

Drakon wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Ew, what is wrong with you?"

"Drakon! Manners!" I snapped, surprised by Drakon's hostility.

"You eat animals. What is wrong with you?" Tristian returned.

Drakon narrowed his eyes at him and held his hand out for the jacket. Tristian gave him the jacket again and Drakon took it with a thankful nod and put it on.

I lifted Drakon up in my arms and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I put the hood on him and Tristian sighed, pulling on his sweater's sleeves as he lifted his hood over his head.

We quickly went out of the bar, the rain already soaking us without the protection of the umbrella. I blinked rapidly to clear the rain from my eyes and nudged my head towards an alley that would lead us back on the street.

"This way!" I shouted over the rain.

Tristian followed close behind me, peering over his shoulder every once in a while. We ran all the way home without any surprises or people spotting us. I slowed down once we were on the stairs, setting Drakon gently down on his feet.

I dug into my pocket and unlocked the door, allowing everyone inside before I closed the door shut. I peeled off the rain coat and wiped my face. Drakon took off the jacket and shook his head, shivering as the rain managed to soak through the jacket and to his clothes. Tristian sniffled, throwing off the hood as he shook his hands, water splattering everywhere.

I breathed hard as I leaned against the wall, sliding down until I was sitting on the floor. Tristian did the same, his legs spread out as he panted. Drakon sat down next to me and leaned on my shoulder, his hand sliding into mine.

I looked down at our hands and for the first time in months, I smiled. It wasn't a forced one or a fake one I had used to fool the people around me. No. This was a real smile. And it felt good.

Smiling for a real, genuine reason made me feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I gripped Drakon's hand and kissed the top of his head before I leaned against him, sighing in relief.

"There's something I've wanted to tell you." I spoke, my thumb running over Drakon's dirty knuckles.

"What?" Drakon asked, peering up at me, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

I wanted to tell him he was grounded for life for what he had done. He shouldn't have gone out to the woods at night, but as I stared at his eyes, I knew I couldn't say at this moment. He probably went through a lot of trauma and it pained me to know he was right under my nose all this time. I could have saved him sooner, but I was so focused on the woods that I didn't think it was a possibility that he was held in a dirty, abandoned bar.

I cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead, watching as a tear slid down his cheek. "You and me are going to be roommates forever."

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