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I didn't know who the funeral for Javon was harder for, me or Drakon.

We returned to the city shortly after Tristian explained everything to me and assured me that Javon's body would be found and made to be looked like an accident.

I didn't know how he did it but when I was asked to identify the body, Javon's skin didn't look so pale and blue as I first saw it. I explained to Drakon that Javon was possessed and when Tristian managed to rip Harry's soul from Javon's body, Javon had been dead for a long time.

I knew it probably wasn't appropriate to tell a kid about the real cause of his father's death, but I didn't want Drakon to grow up thinking his father didn't love him. Harry's possession ruined Javon's image for us. We always thought it was because of the move that made Javon change for the worse.

But now that I knew the reason behind his actions, I couldn't help but cry myself to sleep every night. Javon was with me through the good and bad. He helped me through so many things, taught me, guided me, and was a good husband, a good father.

I couldn't help but feel as if his death was my fault. If I hadn't moved back and just sold the house like how he wanted to, he would have still been here and I wouldn't have a timer ticking down over my head.

But then... I wouldn't have met Tristian.

My hand involuntarily clutched my shirt on my chest as I felt a pang on my heart.

I developed strong feelings for him in the short amount of time I've gotten to know him. Not even with Javon had I fallen fast. But I felt torn. Tristian had so many damaging secrets, so many things that I couldn't begin to understand.

I felt like I was safe with him, but now that I know what was in store for me, I couldn't help but blame him. If he really cared, really looked deeper, he would have found a way to break the curse. All these years and he couldn't do anything to stop it?

I bit down on my lip as a sob threatened to rip past my lips. I glanced over to Drakon who had fallen asleep on the bed while watching cartoons. I kept the TV on so as not to make the room be completely quiet.

I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes as I made my way over to Drakon. I sat down on the floor in front of the bed and tried to distract myself with cartoons but it only lasted for a few seconds before my mind started to wonder. I frowned and looked over my shoulder at the digital clock. Its big, red numbers showed it was only two in the morning.

We were staying at a motel in the city before we decided to head back home. Drakon begged to stay one more night here. I figured he didn't want to return to the town where his father died. Deep down, I didn't want to return either. Part had to do with Tristian, but the other part had to do with the rumors and whispers.

I've dealt with the whispers and sympathetic stares when my step-papa died, when my mama died, and I didn't want to deal with it for the third time. Not again.

My thoughts came to halt when I felt a shift in the bed and Drakon groaned.

"Turn off the music, mom." Drakon mumbled, sounding half asleep. I raised an eyebrow and opened to mouth to respond when there was a loud bang on the door. I jumped and Drakon sat up, staring at the door, wide awake now.

We shared looks and I got up slowly, indicating Drakon to stay put. I peered through the peephole and saw it was the man from the front desk. I gave a thumbs up at Drakon and opened the door.

"I got a call that there's a leak coming from their ceiling. Do you mind if I check the bathroom quick?" He asked, shifting his round glasses on his face.

"Oh yeah, sure. Feel free to check." I stepped aside, opening the door wider. He mumbled something under his breath before he came inside. I closed the door and almost locked it when a hand gripped my shoulder and tore me back. I was knocked to the floor, almost knocking over the table.

"Mom!" Drakon shouted.

"Don't think you have gotten rid of me, Varia." The man said, looming over me as he stared down at me. His blue eyes shifted to black, revealing it to be Harry.

My eyes grew wide and Drakon screamed when Harry whipped out a gun behind his back. He pointed it at me and pulled back his lips into a snarl.

My body froze as I stared at the barrel. My head screamed for me to move, to make some attempt to escape, but I felt like my body was weighed down by some invisible force. I couldn't move a finger if I wanted to.

Harry's finger moved to the trigger and suddenly the gun was knocked from his hand and banged against the door. He clutched his head as he fell to his knees and seethed. Black smoke started coming out of his ears and he let out a scream.

I blinked, my body roaring to life at that moment. I quickly grabbed the chair and swung it at Harry. Harry cried out in pain as the impact made him fall over. I ran over to Drakon and grabbed the packed bags that laid close to the bed. I grabbed his hand and yanked him as we ran out the door. I ran down the stairs and spared a glance over my shoulder. Harry brushed himself and black smoke curled around him as he stared at me.

I quickly jumped in the car I had rented and threw the bags in the back seat as Drakon climbed in the passenger seat, fumbling to put on the seat belt. I jammed the key in the ignition and drove out the parking lot with squealing tires. Drakon put his hands on the dashboard to prevent himself from being hit and winced as an audible crack rang through my ears.

He sat back and cradled his hand against his chest. I swallowed down the guilt and raced through the yellow light and came to a gentle stop on the red light. I looked all around for a sign of Harry or the black shadow but we were completely alone. I glanced over at Drakon and put his seat belt on.

I didn't have a chance to check his hand when the light turned green. I hit the gas and for extra measure, turned on a couple of corners and passed more yellow lights. Once I felt there was a good distance between us and Harry, I parked the car in front of a fire hydrant and shifted so I faced Drakon.

"Here, let me see." I said. Drakon blinked and held his hand out. I pulled back his sleeve and noticed it was a little swollen. I reached over towards the bags and fished out the emergency kit. I turned on one of the lights and took out the roll of bandage.

"Keep this on until we get home. We'll stop by the doctor's in the morning and make sure nothing is—"

"Why is it following us?" Drakon asked suddenly, looking up at me. I swallowed and averted my eyes.

I hadn't told Drakon anything about the curse. I didn't want him to worry and... how was I supposed to tell him? "Hey, baby, your father is dead and now I might soon die too. Want some pizza or something?" No, the death of Javon was already too much. I couldn't bear to tell him about what was coming for me.

I cleared my throat and secured the bandage as I sighed.

"I'm not sure," I lied, reaching over and cupping his face in my hands, "Maybe it wants something, but I'm sure by now Tristian has found something to get rid of it."

"Is it some sort of demon?" He asked, his voice coming out as low as a whisper. I did a half shrug-half nod as I settled back in my seat and turned the lights off.

"In a way." I said after giving it some thought. Another thing I left out, my past life story.

Drakon looked away and stayed silent as I drove off and took the empty road towards home where I was about ninety-nine percent sure Harry was waiting for me. Hopefully, Tristian had answers waiting for me too, but I could already feel that hope being crushed as we grew closer to home.

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