Jumping to Conclusions or Just the Truth?

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Hailey and Michael laid in the hospital bed cuddled up to one another. The room was filled with a silence, but not an awkward one. It was more of a comfortable silence.
Michael slowly rubbed Hailey's back to sooth her. Not that she was nervous or anything, he just felt like it was needed.
"Thanks" Hailey said softly, a yawn following her words. Michael chuckled at her, and nodded.
"No problem. We should get some rest okay?" Michael said softly, resulting in Hailey to nod.
           The next morning rose upon the two as the sun shown through the hospitals window. Hailey moved slightly as the sun started to shine in her eyes. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked around the room.
           The same white walls of the hospital room surrounded her once again. But then she noticed, the boy she fell asleep with last night wasn't next to her or in the room. Hailey sat up and let out a sigh.
            "He left without saying goodbye..." Hailey said softly, her eyes starting to water. Just before a tear could fall, the boy she missed came walking through the door.
           "Good morning princess!" Michael said with a smile. He then frowned when he noticed she was about to cry. "Hey, hey, hey what's wrong?" Michael said, as he placed the breakfast food onto the counter.
            "I-I thought you left me... but instead you got me breakfast?" Hailey said, but more of a question. Michael nodded in response and walked over with the tray of food.
           "Yeah I did! Hospital food sucks, so I decided to go out and buy you some pancakes. I hope you like pancakes..." Michael said, as he placed the tray on her lap.
           "I do, thank you. You didn't have to do this" Hailey said as she started to eat the blueberry pancakes. Michael waved off Hailey as if this was nothing.
            "It's fine Hailey, I like helping you okay?" Michael told her, as his stomach started to growl.
          "You're hungry, here" Hailey said, as she put a piece of pancake on the fork. She moved the fork towards Michael's mouth.  
           "Oh no, it's your breakfast I'm not gon-" Michael was cut off by the girl.
           "Uh, you're going to eat. You're hungry anddddd you paid for it. Open up cutie" Hailey said, a blush coating her cheeks once she realized what she called Michael.
          Michael blushed from the nickname, and opened his mouth. Hailey placed the fork in his mouth, and Michael bit the pancake and ate it.
         "It's good isn't it?" Hailey asked, and Michael nodded with a huge smile. Hailey giggled and put another piece on the fork for Michael to eat. Michael ate the next piece and nodded at Hailey.
          The hospital door opened as Hailey began to feed Michael again for the third time.
          "Awwwwww! You guys aren't dating yet, are you suuuurreeee?" Devin asked, a smirk forming on his lips.
         Hailey and Michael looked at each other and blushed. Devin wiggled his eyebrows at the two.
          "Oh come on, you guys are dating!" Devin said, nudging Michael who was sitting in the visitors seat.
          "Dev, chill we're not together man" Michael said as Hailey continued to eat the pancake.
          "You guys basically just kissed???" Devin said, pointing at the fork that went into Hailey's mouth.
         Hailey started to giggle at Devin's comment. Michael rolled his eyes playfully at the taller boy.
            "You're being like a two year old! We didn't kiss, it's more of a uh... I don't know..." Michael said only resulting in Hailey to giggle. Michael smiled and looked at the girl next to him.
        The door opened again, and the doctor came in. Hailey smiled brightly, only hoping she'll be released soon.
          "You're re-" before the doctor could finish his sentence, Hailey put the pancakes down and did a quick dance. Michael and Devin laughed at the girl in front of them.
          "Hailey, I know you're excited but you need to be calm and careful" the doctor informed the girl.
          "Oh boo hoo... I can dance if I want to! Michael, Devin, let's get out of here!" Hailey informed the two boys and they both looked at each other and walked out with Hailey.
         Hailey wrapped her arms around Michael's waist. Michael gasped by the sudden action, and wrapped his arms around her. Hailey smiled against his chest, and looked up at him.
         "Thank you, I'm so glad I had you here with me all night" Hailey said, and Michael nodded at her.
         "It was my pleasure Hailey" Michael said, as he placed a gentle kiss on the top of Hailey's head. Devin giggled at the two, in his words "soon to be couple".
         "You guys are going to be a couple soon. Until then, you guys are the "soon to be couple"!" Devin said, as he walked towards the exit. Michael and Hailey stared into each other's eyes for a few more minutes before pulling away and walking towards the exit.
       Devin unlocked his car, and opened the door for Hailey. Michael glanced at Devin a bit jealous that he did a sweet gesture for her.
"Thank you Dev" Hailey said as she took a seat in he backseat.
"Hailey I can sit in the back and you can sit in the passengers seat?" Michael asked Hailey, only for her to wave him off.
"It's all good" Hailey said, a smile on her face. "You guys already did enough for me tonight. I'm just a fan" Hailey said, and looked out the window. After today, Michael and her most likely won't matter anymore. That's what Hailey thought anyways.
"You're not just a fan..." Michael whispered to himself as he logged onto his Instagram. What he saw in his notifications, was not something he appreciated.
"@Michaelbmoc- please drop her, she's no one important! You'd never date a fan hahah! Don't get her hopes up😏"
Michael let out a deep breath, and decided to post a photo. He didn't post a picture of him, but just a blank black photo, which he captioned:
Why does it matter to you guys what I'm doing? She's a nice person and needed help. I was there when she was injured so I defiantly was going to help her! Besides the point, you don't know the whole story, so don't assume. I love you guys, but please don't be rude to her!
Hailey got the notification since she never turned them off. She clicked on it and read the post only resulting in a smile. But once she went into her notifications, her smile turned into a frown.
This is what it's like to date someone famous huh? Hailey thought to herself, but the thing is she's not even dating him. How could people be so cruel? Hailey let out a shaky sigh, making Michael look back towards her.
"What's wrong?" Michael asked, reaching his hand back for Hailey. Hailey placed her hand on his.
"Oh j-just some rude comments on I-IG...I'm okay" Hailey said softly, making Michael sigh. He didn't want this to happen to her, not now, not ever.
"I'm so sorry this is happening to you Hailey..." Michael said softly and brought her hand up to his lips and placed a sweet kiss on it.
Devin finally arrived back at the boys hotel, and Hailey was a bit scared to walk out. She knew there would be fans in there, and she didn't want to get even more hurt.
"Come on Hailey, I'll protect you" Michael said as he opened the back door for her. Hailey stepped out, and stayed her distance away from Michael and Devin. She didn't want to cause any more problems.
As the three stepped into the hotel, fans started to scream. Hailey smiled at the fans and just continued to walk towards her hotel room. Michael was busy with fans and so was Devin, she wasn't going to interrupt them.
After what felt like an hour, Devin and Michael finished taking fan photos, signing autographs and making videos for other fans. Michael searched the now empty room, for the girl he wanted to give his number too.
"Uh, where's Hailey?!?" Michael asked, a bit panicked. He didn't want her to leave yet!
"I think she went to her hotel room?" Devin asked Michael, and he took out his phone. Once he did, he saw a DM that only crushed his heart.

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